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Mighty Avenger - 1st Issue - by Mr Al Ewing

Started by Bat King, 12 September, 2013, 11:48:09 PM

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Bat King

Quote from: Professor James T Bear on 14 September, 2013, 04:57:56 PM

Quote from: Bat King on 14 September, 2013, 03:23:04 PMIn my opinion DC & Marvel all too often go for a pretty poster page that doesn't do any story telling.

That's usually on the artist tailoring his pages for sale on the comic art market - splash images are more sought after than talking heads pages.

Yeah, and Marvel & DC like it.

In a good story the artist uses one panel pages or double spreads for impact. not just Spider-Man looking cool.

Of course in this comic there are no actual one panel page as the four there are have insets.



I enjoyed this a lot. It's still very much an Al Ewing comic, and therefore better than 98% of all other comics*. I can't really see anyone else writing lines like

"I am the plunderful pirate of pillage feasting on your ill-guarded booty! Fabulous python in world of tasty, squeaking mice!"

It's Marvel method, of course. So as much as I enjoyed the excellent art, plot, and dialogue - it's Al diluted somewhat. But with quality like this it won't be long until we get the full unfettered Ewing on a Marvel title. Great art tends to stem from clever folk being inventive in the face of certain restrictions, in my view. When you consider the possibilities of the Marvel Universe filtered through the improving lens of Al's mind, it's difficult not to get excited.   

*E=mc2 (Ewing = Marvel Comics squared)


Quote from: Montynero on 25 September, 2013, 09:02:29 AMGreat art tends to stem from clever folk being inventive in the face of certain restrictions, in my view.

Truer words were never spoken. 

Have to have a look at this Mighty Avenger thing,  been a while since I read anything much in the Avengers line.

Bat King

Monty puts it well.

I think the arc after the tie-in should be the money maker! But I really enjoyed issue 1.



Only just got round to reading the end of this 23 issue run (the open for business trade and two issues that followed it; signed by Al himself at Glasgow Comic Con).

And it was fucking great.

Fantastic characters, great dialogue, cracking action  and really clear storytelling in the art.

I read no other Marvel stuff so every now and then I had to stop and imagine a little bit of what went on in a crossover title but that genuinely added to the fun.

And if I have seen a better page of comic story telling than "Kick... Splode" I'm a Dutch man
Be excellent to each other. And party on!