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Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Started by Goaty, 23 April, 2013, 08:58:59 AM

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Bat King

More spoiler tags, some haven't seen it yet!

Saw it tonight, really enjoyed it. Some very funny bits when they put in the lighter side. Nice twists at points I even swallowed one or two for a moment.



Finally caught this tonight and, despite really liking the first one, this did absolutely nothing for me.

I'm in a bit of a bad mood at the moment which probably doesn't help but it just all seemed very flat and in engaging.

And why cast Eccleston and give him nothing to do but fight with make-up?
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 02 October, 2015, 10:42:38 PM
fight with make-up?

I missed that bit. Is there a directors cut with a sequence in Boots?


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I like Thor's entrance...steeping from the shaft of rainbow and letting loose with his hammer on nothing at all before attacking some substantial things moments later.

If you recall the dirty comments I made this earlier and that bit where both Thor and Loki work together to steal one of the dark-elves space-craft.

That was entertaining, and the rest, not so much!

Jimmy Baker's Assistant

I saw it recently (bought on Google Play less than 24-hours before Netflix sent me an email with "guess what we've just added - Thor 2, sucker!").

Pretty good, I thought, albeit strictly adhering to the Marvel formula. Hiddleston as Loki is always a joy, and Eccleston made an effective if totally predictable villain.

Enjoyed this movie far more than Avengers 2, which was a sprawling, mostly boring mess.