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Supergirl - TV series

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 09 May, 2015, 05:18:19 AM

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Yeah, I'frequently amazed by the ambition on show in JLU.



Not really suitable for pre-teens, IMHO.

Professor Bear

Legend of Korra is pretty much a superhero show, but is a lot better than it has any right to be - it also stands alone from the series to which it purportedly serves as a sequel.  In a similar toon-related vein, Gravity Falls is must-see tv for all the family.


Quote from: Goaty on 06 December, 2015, 09:52:31 PM
What about Buffy?

I actually like watching because they poke fun at everything including themselves and it not always that obvious. yet, you know it's jumped the shark by th end of 3rd season when the school got blown up.

Callista (Flockhart) Ford could pass for Sarah Michelle (Gellar) Prinze's older twin sister or even mother.

maybe the resembalence is too strong to be taken seriously. Just like when was comparing mist Mister Ford himself to one of the boys from Home Improvement There is resembalance there to how he looked when he first played Solo.

Only saying so, because Callista is in the Super-Girl series as well.


Never even heard of Gravity Falls, that's one to check.  Legend of Korra never really took off with my kids the way Avatar did, don't know why, since any of I've seen has been superior to the original, if anything.  Possibly the channel thing has a part to play here, Avatar seemed to be on everywhere and always, Korra seems to be on channel we don't get (Cartoon Network, I'm assuming - although as noted various grandparents have it, so it's certainly available to them).


Grin inducing reveal/twist in ep7

[spoiler]Hank Henshaw is actually J'onn J'onzz ie. Martian Manhunter. Cool CGI model to.[/spoiler]
"Trust we"


Quote from: Scolaighe Ó'Bear on 06 December, 2015, 09:36:23 PM
They already did make a family friendly tv version of 1970s and 1980s Teen Titans that was huge in the mid-2000s.  Even the squicky stuff was in it, like the Deathstroke/Terra thing, cleverly presented so if kids didn't already know what was supposed to have been going on, they'd remain clueless.

True, I'd forgotten how good Slade Perlman was.

I just mean that the comics themselves aren't inherently family friendly either.


Oh and that spoiler has made me  :D

I would love it if they'd subtly placed [spoiler]oreos[/spoiler] in every scene he was in