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Did we scare him off? and others.

Started by Devons Daddy, 30 May, 2003, 10:38:20 AM

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The Monarch

I actually feel a bit bad about my recent bison-bashing i think i took it too far

esoteric ed

I posted here about this site recently, about how easy going and friendly it is in general.

What I tend to do is if I don't like the look of a thread then I simply don't read it, this is also because I don't really have the time to read every post.

Over on my other site the issue of thread jacking and off topic posts often comes up, there's very little you can do to police it, plus the pressure of adhearing to such practice can be a little intimidating especially to new members.
There's also the issue of regulars feeling they may have expired all topics and simply like to post this and that about nothing, but I do see the point that people find it annoying, difficult one to solve.

Like I've said before, you've really got it good here!

(don't know much about Kilfiles I can now BAN losers ISPs, great weapon against knobheads)


Queen Firey-Bou

arse biscuits... "Look at me I'm so whacky "  eh?, rather than ......***%$?**!!...

oh stuff it, i'm going to killfile myself save yous the bother.

see yous around.

(nice people mail me anytime for a blether)


Now Bou, this is an inclusive forum and you should not feel driven away.

Come back, with your lunacy and swishiness, or we will miss you.

But drop the faux-Royal title...

- the Trout courts back-biting from the conservative boarders


See what happens when you speak your mind, someone throws their rattle out of the pram. It's seems as though your only allowed an opinion on this board if others agree with it. I thought this was supposed to a forum, don't beat up on the few boarders you don't happen to agree with. Yeah argue with them that's healthy but when you go to Scojo strength extremes and use that as an excuse to attack them personally then its out of order. It ceases to be a laugh. Ah feck it, behave like kids if you want I don't give a shit anyways. There are more important things in life than the prattle on a comic message board.


Back on the original post, if it WAS Cannon, then I could probably understand his leaving.  The movie is quite a popular topic, rarely a week goes by without us slagging it off a little, and he's probably sick to death hearing that his work wasn't up to scratch.

BTW what was his name?  I don't remember him.

Queen Firey-Bou

okay thanks trouty, I'm sortof tentatively back. But i will have to keep the crown on as it protects the back of my head from said back biting. That and the diamond studded flak jacket.


movie is quite a popular topic, rarely a week goes by without us slagging it off a little

Aha! Opening the way for him to counter by saying "I noo yood say that".