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Patrick Stewart back as Picard in new series

Started by Greg M., 05 August, 2018, 11:04:38 AM

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Superb finale.

I don't think any other set of fictional characters has ever been so lavished with indulgence for their (presumably) final appearance together. But it worked - exceedingly well.

I want more from the show-runner and the USS Enterprise G crew - let's hope they can make it happen.

The Legendary Shark

The only thing I didn't like was the Titan having its name changed. Istr that changing a ship's name is regarded as bad luck by contemporary and past sailors, and it also does the Titan a huge disservice after having made a name for herself. On the other hand, this might make for a strong sub-plot in any continuing or spin-off series where the Enterprise-G is plagued by bad luck until her true name is restored. And for me to have only one real dislike for an entire series (even if it does contain the seeds of another idea) is very refreshing, personally.



It was a fitting tribute to the TNG crew and the newer ones. Star Trek Legacy must be a sure shot for Amazon to commission.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla

Funt Solo

I hadn't watched seasons 1 or 2, but that did win me over. While there was still too much pontificating between the shooty bits, ultimately it did feel like a continuation of TNG, and the close-out made me well up (because of the clear love being shown - meta and macro).

Favorite line: "swords are fun".
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.