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Prog 2361 - Drokk Solid! Jo Stands His Ground

Started by broodblik, 06 December, 2023, 04:11:12 AM

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I has absolutely forgotten that plot point. And the thing about it is, getting the artifact examined, was the whole reason they travelled to Godesberg in the first place.

Funt Solo

Just noticed more evidence that the N-AI-mand entity's first language is binary. The binary thought-clouds at the end of Clanker aren't just random gibberish.

First chunk says "but who am I?".

Then "I... I live..."

Then "so much forgotten..." and "something something the era o..."

(I realize much of the sense of that is translated by the box-outs, but hey-ho.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.