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New Who

Started by DavidXBrunt, 10 July, 2003, 01:29:26 AM

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Richmond Clements

" one monkey to the whole BBC? Outrageous"

One monkey!!?  No wonder he's got a big red arse.

La Mer

the bbc said that they couldnt afford to compete with the big us shows for fx. Sureley if they dropped f**king fame academy or some other mass - lowest common denominator (have you seen just for laughs?) crap, they could afford to do at least one decent season....
saying that, what about our license fee? if we stopped paying it till theyd soon come round to thinking itd be a good idea - they couldnt taske us all to court could they? ;-)

Leigh S

They couldnt take the entire Nation to court...but I reckon they could quite easily take the number of people incensed enough about their treatment of Doctor Who to stop paying.

Didnt these rumours spread from Lorraine Heggerty(?), some BBC bigwig saying they would love to bring back Dr Who, but one of the issues they'd need to sort out were the Rights?  Did anyone find out exactly what she was talking about?

I'll be interested to see this new Who I suppose - I was a huge fan as a kid (more through the novelisations, as I often missed the show or only caught part of it due to parents who took the theme tunes start as a signal to return home from our nans every Saturday), drifted from it when Davison was on, and got back into it as an adult due to UK Gold.  For me, The 80s slowly drained the life out of the show, with the Langford/McCoy being the last straw for my ability to watch the show without dying of terminal embarrassment (and dont tell me to watch McCoys later ones - I have, they are just as cringe inducing - I'm particularly impressed with his ability to show his complete lack of acting skills even when he doesnt have any lines in the TV movie!).  Everything since then has been of little interest, though I watch the various rumours about Who's return/demise with interest.

Leigh S

I see from this months SFX that Derek Jacobi is playing the Master....


>>I see from this months SFX that Derek Jacobi is playing the Master....

Bah, what a crock.  It should be Brian Blessed or nothing.


No it HAS to be Sheard... lets' start a petition now!

Lobo Baggins

++>>I see from this months SFX that Derek Jacobi is playing the Master....

Bah, what a crock. It should be Brian Blessed or nothing.++

Derek Jacobi playing Brian Blessed?

He'll never get a decent tune out of him...
The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.

Richmond Clements

"Derek Jacobi playing Brian Blessed?

He'll never get a decent tune out of him... "

Maybe not... but it'll be bloody loud.

The Big Man

McCoy was in my shop last Saturday but I missed him 'cos I was on a tea break, and I tend not to tell anyone I like Doctor Who.
"Is there a problem here ?"


If indeed the idiots at the beeb have inadvertantly sold the rights to the TV Who (damn fools if they did, has anyone emailed whoever is boss of this sort of things to ask them?? Would that be 'Head of light entertainment or what???) then all this mass debate about who the new Who is is all for nowt, cos it ain't ever gonna happen again.

This web cast thing, just exactly what is it all about? Will they be half hour episodes or just a few mins each? (bugger to download if they're any size at all really).

Bring back Roobarb and Custard!!!


They'll be (as far as I know) six half hour episodes no doubt downloadable in smaller chunks.
Animation is being handled by Cosgrove Hall.

And If your man Barnes says the rights haven't been sold then that's probably the case. Him being the ex editor of Doctor Who Magazine probably gives him some insider information and all.

Oh, and Alan, I'll give you a fiver if I can read the first page of the Zagreus script. I'll not tell anyone...

Alan Barnes

The 'rights issues' will be, for instance, famous monsters - 50% + of these will usually be owned by the freelance writer who created them. (The Daleks, for example, and UNIT, K9.) The only stuff the Beeb owns outright is what was created by BBC staffers - most (but not all) of the companions, for instance, the Master etc. If the Beeb did want to farm anything out (and, like I say, I'm reasonably certain they don't), they'd have to complete several mountains' worth of paperwork first. Which, considering a lot of the people involved are dead, is not that simple.

Anything Zagreus is more than my life's worth, sorry ...

Al xx


Alright, a tenner then.


Captain Pugwash as Doctor Who? shurely shom mishtake...

Brain Blessed aboard the Black Pig, that would work

Seaman Stains
DDT did a job on me