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Why we love Halo

Started by Trout, 10 December, 2003, 08:19:15 PM

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I read it during the summer. I liked the way it became increasingly bleak yet still retained a enjoyable element. The episode where Toy dies is quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever read, and it wasn't done with OTT sentimentality the look of anger on Halo's face at the end was both moving and terrifying.


I like HALO because it presents a flawed character, which is something all-too-rare in 2K, where a lot of the heroes are basically superheroes without capes on.
Halo's treatment of the Glyph, for example, is clearly supposed to make her a less likable character.

Also, it's basically just fucking excellent.



"Halo's treatment of the Glyph, for example, is clearly supposed to make her a less likable character"

I hadn't thought of it that way. To me it reinforced the point about Halo being normal - Glyph was invisible to everybody.

(No doubt I will go home this evening, re-read that episode and realise that I missed the point entirely.)


The Monarch

Personally i didn't like book 1 but book 2 is excellent and book 3 is genius.


Well, I dunno. It's always how I've seen it, really.



"Well, I dunno. It's always how I've seen it, really."

Ach, you're probably right.


PS: If I try my darndest to turn this into a major bitch-slapping argument, d'ya think Mark will show us his pussies again?


I think it's a bit of both - Glyph *is* invisable to everybody - but Halo (once noticing him/her) is a cow for instantly forgetting him/her.

I really like the Glyph - when I was choosing which Halo page to get off Wake I made sure the Glyph was there.

Better set your phaser to stun.


"...but Halo (once noticing him/her) is a cow for instantly forgetting him/her."

Hmmm... it would be perfectly normal for Halo to forget Glyph instantly... that's his/her problem... yet despite that the reader still perceives it as a failing on Halo's part... perhaps she disappoints us because even when we 'know' she's a normal person we subconsciously expect more from our hero...

That Mr Moore's actually quite good, isn't he?

Sorry, I'm probably reading FAR too much into it, but I find the difference in reaction to the story interesting!



Slippery PD

Ive avoided this thread as I dont keep my progs, but Halo Jones is one of the few stories that I have strong memories of.  

Wether its the shopping trip, the attack of Toby (the dog?!?!), the story of Glyph or the brilliant final panel.  The memories are for the most part rather vivid.

I think for me, Halo Jones, is a great strip because of this.  It has memorable characters (even the strange Glypth is memorable, is that an Oxymron), a consistent plot, great art and a vision that was better than anything that was concieved before........

Oh and shes a Gibson babe too....

Yer Slips

Leigh S