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Future shock

Started by LARF, 15 January, 2004, 03:38:31 PM

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I remember a Future Shock where the guy was experimented on and disappeared. he was actually living extremely fast and all the people around him were like shadows. Subsequently he could chop down buildings and such and the story ended where he reappeared minutes later, and old man, and just sat there and chuckled as the building he was in collapsed.

Thread Zero

It was a Time Twister.

Revenge of the Guinea Pig 1 episode (Prog 301) 4 pages
Script: Alan Hebden, Artist: Kim Raymond
Thrill Power: ? (4 votes)


I sometimes liked Raymond's stuff, although it was helluva messy.

Is she generally derided by droids and fans? I seem to remember a criticism of her, perhaps in TPO.

Any opinions, commoners?

- Trout


Saw this sight the other day and thought of Boney Fellas how to draw thread.

I know its very Manga based but I presume the principles are the same

Link:" target="_blank">Learn to draw


I remember *sort* of liking the Dekker stories, but hated the contribution to City of the Damned.

Also, wasn't the Go-bots strip in the Eagle drawn by him (Kim's a bloke, IIRC, Trouty)?


Trout, I was reading Logan's John Wagner interview in a Meg 3.65 last night - he said he wasn't keen on Raymonds' Dredd artwork.

(Good interview there Logan, btw)
Better set your phaser to stun.


She's a he?

Ooops. :-)

It was City of the Damned I was mainly thinking of. It looked rushed, but the style, especially on Hershey, was nice enough.

- Trout


Kim Raymond , as far as I know, was trained in advertising layout and mainly started his career in ad visuals. I've seen some of his distintive style kicking around in some old ad books I've got. Also I reckon that Kim's style should be back up on the up, seeing as high cheekbones, lots of blusher and an 80's Princess Di coiff and the page boy cut are back in fashion. (although I'm not sporting any of the above myself - pushes down white stripe on nose and apply's heart to cheek.)