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HOW OFTEN DO YOU..........

Started by ARRISARRIS, 06 April, 2004, 03:28:14 PM

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Yeah I still read 2000ad cover to cover more than once but only on occasion and not for along time now. I always enjoy re-reading Tales from the dog house, Indigo Prime stories such as Fervent and Lobe and Winwood and Cord and always loved the old chopper stories. I still reread alot of Slain stuff too.

Max Kon

i read Tooth cover to cover (even the shit but only so i can form a valid opinion). I haven't reread a prog yet but in a few years time i might (i have an awfully high number of unread books)


Last big read was about 10y ago when I was on the dole for a spell.I'd love to have the time to do it again,next chance'll probably be in about 3 years time.
You do discover gems while doing the re read(Indigo Prime for me),so anyone who hasn't should give it a go!

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.