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Keyboard maintentance

Started by Demon Chicken, 19 June, 2004, 07:29:19 AM

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Demon Chicken

Rather odd one this time.  I've inadvertantly managed to spill some alcoholic beverage on my keyboard, bitter to be precise.  For a start this itself is reason enough for hanging, but it's buggered up my keyboard and it doesn't want to work anymore.  Any have any good suggestions for getting it working again?

Max Kon

bying a new one always helps. you can get keyboards for a couple of quid.


If you want to be really tight, you could strip the keyboard down, soak the non-electronic parts on the bath, let it dry thouroughly and put it back together. Still might not work, though.

Personally, I'd go with Max's suggestion...
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


It's a bit extreme but if it really doesnt work you could try running it under the tap (warm water) and dry with a hairdryer... I've done this before...

But I think you may be knackered... I've spilt water and black coffee into keyboards and they have survived. However I know from my past life as a techy, things that are likely to cause anything like an electrolosis reaction and it's new keyboard time (like sugary stuff - you'll know better than me being a chemist - don't know if beer would do this)  The blackcurrent drink from the drinks machine in one place I worked used to EAT keyboards.