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Anti-Dredd rant in Metro!

Started by Tex Hex, 05 July, 2004, 06:54:28 PM

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You've got to wonder how sad someones life is if their day is made by getting a letter in the Metro, at least the Glasgow Goths spare us that!    

All together now .. its only a comic

DDT did a job on me


Release the goths!


Goths are a sad bunch really, but I'd like one as a pet.

Max Kon


I'm not a goth myself, but I have many goth friends.  I'm not one of these gothophobes, oh no, no stealth gothist, I.  Though I wouldn't go on one of these goth pride marches.

If you want a goth as a pet Smiley, you have a choice between Water Goths - The Miserable Pet (TM), OR Gothagotchi's, an electronic goth toy, where you constantly have to press buttons to turn the lights out, give it a burst of sisters of mercy, paint it's nails black etc. or it stops thinking about death and gets a life and then, of course, game over.


 I have a terrible tendecncy to be attracted to skinny pallid goth women with too much eye make up, I realise this is socially unacceptable and brings shame on both myself and my family, surely theres something I can do to rid myself of theis terrible gothphillia?

House of Usher

There used to be a Tamagothi homepage on the Internet somehere, but none of the links seem to be working at the moment.

It was a spoof, with a goth cyberpet, and led to fans clamouring for a real one, and I think someone eventually wrote a programme for it. A tamagothi hatches out of a skull at midnight, and begins life as a babybat, which grows into a teenygoth. It then evolves through 3 stages, and depending upon how it's raised, it ends up as one of 6 sub-species (including perkygoth, punk, and raver).

Shame I can't point you towards it, but at least I can say it exists/existed.


come on guys Monika  obvously has "issues" about goths and for some reason metros dredd
maybe she was on the bus saw a goth and had all "gothie" feelings wanted to move her arms in mystirous ways slightly out of time with any music playing or sitting in graveyards getting piles and drinking pertuli oil
to hide her shame she tried to read the paper and noticed something gothie there too hence her blast in the paper

or something


I think Monika is a latent goth in denial.

Grant Goggans

Oh, man.  You and me both, JimBob.  Don't you just hate yourself for it?  Many's the time I've found myself saying "I can't tell where her pallid white skin stops and the pallid white background begins... why do I find her attractive?"  Ah, life.



Mmmmm...Goth babes.

Sorry, what were we talking about?
Did you know Christ was a werewolf?


I too find Goth babes curiously attractive.
Not sure why someone gets all fired up about three panels of sequential art in a free magazine, though.  Or why they feel the need to waste their time writing irate letters to complain about it, either.
Still, keeps her out of trouble.

Rrrrrrrrr...Goth girls.  

Max Kon

i don't find goth girls attractive, though i do rate pale skin over fake tanned skin


I have to find Goth girls attractive.... I married one! Mind you, I was a Goth myself back in the 80's. Still get goospimples whenever I see vampires, gravestones, zombies, or hear The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Death Cult etc!



Just emailed the Metro with a repsponse to Monika from Glasgow. Maybe they'll print it.
