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Dredd in near death shocker story! Mega Exclusive!

Started by Thread Zero, 01 April, 2002, 07:33:30 AM

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Thread Zero

I can hardly believe it myself.

According to some guy I know who works Comic's International (well he helps distribute it!), Dredd scribe J Wagner is planning to venture into unknown waters!

No he isn't paddling in the deep end of his swimming pool but.......Dredd is going to be killed!

Well sort of. Turns out Dredd displays a major error of judgement while on patrol and something shocking happens. Dredd doesn't die but think what happens when bullets meet flesh and you may get the picture.

Dredd faces his mortality in this shocking new story. Rico also shows danger signs by making it personal and vowing to track down the perps who nearly killed old Joe. Does he cross the line and go beyond the call of duty?

Wait and see.

Anyway it sounds really exciting and according to this bloke, it's Dredd as you've never seen him before. Says the story is provisionally called:

Bonded by blood.

Coming next year!


Thread Zero

Hmmmmm maybe I should write it then!

I mean that story idea sounds amazing! John is a genius and as for the title, well amazing too!

And it isn't even an April fool's joke.


scojo with fingers crossed even though it's damn hard to type

W. R. Logan

>I can hardly believe it myself.
>According to some guy I know who works Comic's International (well he helps distribute it!), Dredd scribe J Wagner is planning to venture into unknown waters!


>Anyway it sounds really exciting and according to this bloke, it's Dredd as you've never seen him before. Says the story is provisionally called:
>Bonded by blood.
>Coming next year!

You really need to check out your contacts Scoje, it would seem that your inside contact has probably been feeding you a load of crap.

>And it isn't even an April fool's joke.

You may not think so, but can you be sure that it wasn't an April Fools joke played on you?

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Link:" target="_blank">Class Of '79">

Thread Zero

Ha ha!

It was an april fool joke.

Cos I made it up!

HA ha ha

Sure fooled you Logan.

O the shame.

Ha ha blah blah blah

scojo the (April) fool


> It was an april fool joke

Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Dominic O'Rourke

I've never found that to be case for 2000ad though!
Member No. 10

Thread Zero

Hey it could make a cool story though.

I mean Dredd nearly at death's door, Rico out for revenge (well sort of).

It could be a classic. And it's MY story, so keep your hands off it Wagner!:)

Oh Andy Diggle, why you never hired me to write for 2k, I will never know.




Thread Zero

Crap you could say.




I wouldn't though.

I'm in the chat room till for a while if you are interested, no one here but me and dud tho.