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Prog 1403 - Dogs at War

Started by petemaskreplica, 16 August, 2004, 07:42:02 PM

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blimey, the postman turned up before I left for work for once.

Nice Cliff Robinson cover, love the expression on Wulf's face.

Dredd romps along, funny stuff, what's the betting the rookies will save hthe day and then he'll fail them for disobeying orders?

Bec & Kawl was more enjoyable than I thought it would be, I think Si's getting into his stride with them, this is the best B&K tale yet.

ABC Warriors continues to be so much fun I hardly notice the absence of plot.

Stront finishes in fine form, great pay-off line. It seems churlish to say so given that we usually have to wait a year for the next one, but 2 weeks before the next one? aiieee!

No Droid Life, but we do get the first part of the Spurrier/Roberts strip that's up on the Beeb's new comics site. Si, have you worked at the Beeb? It's quite uncanny ;)


arrrgh how could I forget Cabs? It's ace, needless to say.




Next week: Sin/Dex photocover!
Specal pull-out section: Messageboard users, why you are WRONG.


Is that the same monster in a pit in B&K as the monster in a pit in Work Experience? Was there a BOGOF offer on monsters in pits recently or what?



I think that last panel is a huge team-up of all the beasties B&K have previously faced, a bit like one of those Yogi Bear and the Hanna-Barbera All Star Specials.

Keef Monkey

Always makes my day when I happen to get my issue in the post on my day off, it's pretty rare but reading it in bed before I get up makes my day like little else can! Cover was good but not great, but Judge Dredd made up for it in spades. Has to be up there with Sam Jackson's Esekiel speech in Pulp Fiction in terms of sheer undiluted badass.Caballistics was great as ever and intrigued about what the next one's got in store.Beck And Kawl was amusing,ABC Warriors seems to be picking up a bit and Strontium Dog was good, although it was pretty obvious all along how it was going to turn out I think. Work experience was funny so must go and find the rest of that...



I think I must have a different prog to everyone else..

Dredd..'we gonna stand around takin this crapola?' said one of the hoods..I know how he felt..Dredds Cards routine was awful, simply awful..what the hells happened to this promising tale?..

Caballistics inc..Too many trendy references..turning into the League of Ordinary Gentlemen after it started so well too

Bec and Kawl...I feared for the worst when old Maggie T turned up last week..I got the worst this week..

ABC Warriors..Top Thrill again for me..

Strontium Dog..Superb old school actioner..predictable end didnt sour this for me..

Work Experience..Ive always the Beeb was actually like this..

Good rock solid Cliff cover as youd expect but overall disappointing prog..  : (


>Dredd..'we gonna stand around takin this crapola?' said one of the hoods..I know how he felt..Dredds Cards routine was awful, simply awful..

I thought it was supposed to be awful, Dredd ad-libbing waiting for Vance to get in to position and her not making it.


The Amstor Computer

Pretty much, Logan. I don't think it's meant to be a serious Dredd speech - it's a kind of cod-Dredd, something that sounds impressive, but is just buying time.


Further to Pete's prediction - the cadets are failed but end up as Rangers.

Betty F

What film uses a similar idea with the cards being symbolic for something?


Grah! No prog.
Plenty of Lucas thrillpower remains though!




"What film uses a similar idea with the cards being symbolic for something?"

I'm trying to think of that too. It was (maybe) a preacher/priest saying how they remind him of the one true God(Ace), Jesus (king), Mary(queen) etc etc.

Ah, it wasn't From Dusk Till Dawn was it?

Lobster Doug scuttles quickly onto a thread nonchalantly like he hasn't been absent for ages. Hi everyone, hi all you new folks. Oh yeah, Happy New Year!