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What movie do you wish you couldn't remember ?

Started by Conexus, 17 August, 2004, 01:45:17 AM

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Daddy Day Care - Emotionally blackmailed into taking my niece to see this shite.

The Phantom "Makes the Ewoks look like fucking Shaft" Menace, and the Attack of the Clones.

Matrix Reloaded and revolutions.

Bart Oliver

Requiem for a Dream.

Agreed. Got up and walked away from that one halfway through.
Obviously you're not a golfer.


Martin Jameson

Striptease - total nonsense, why did I go to see this crap? why didn't I leave with most of the other people halfway through?
The Peacemaker was bollocks too.

Mr C


That film of the Saint with Val Kilmer was absolute pish, it has no redeeming features whatsoever and treats the audience with pure contempt. Unspeakably dreadful.

Val Kilmer's turn as Batman was pretty awful too. But not as bad as George Clooney's.


As a parent, you end up taking the children to a remarkable amount of pap. I've tried to stop dragging them out to see the latest Happymeal hyped movie but you still get conned into the odd one (why make a Thunderbirds movie without actually having the Thunderbirds in most of it?)

However, I think HIGHLANDER 2 (and 3) rate pretty much on my I wish they didn't exist scale.  Not that I'm saying HIGHLANDER is a good film (have you reqatched it recently? It's pretty bad).  But, despite having read the bad reviews,  I went to see HIGHLANDER II at a late show in Withington and me and my mate were so ashamed that we swore we'd not tell anyone else we'd seen it.

HIGHLANDER III was a video rental many years later (not mine).  I managed to get my money back by writing on the comments card that "Life really is too short for you to rent films like this to unsuspecting members of the public. Please take it off your shelf".

I've learnt my lesson about sequels though. Having suffered through CHARLIE'S ANGELS (amazed that hasn't got more votes) and TOMB RAIDER I have avoided the, allegedly, worse sequels.

Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Tex Hex

The more I think about them; Kill Bill "volumes" one and two. These movies dont know what they are - are they comedy violence? Serious bone-crunching violence? They never make up their mind and swing wildly from one to the other. And after the fight in the first one theres NOTHING in the second one. She kills bill. No fight, nothing. And yet the hype sucked me in. "More of tarantinos classic dialogue!" dribbled the rave reviews. To be honest Im f*cking sick of "classic tarantino dialogue". "Filled with delightful refrences to obscure genre classics!" Oh, F*ck off.

I cant go on. Im getting too worked up.

hex :o)

House of Usher


Eric Plumrose

Ditto Heat.

The Truman Show.

Scream 3.

And everything thus far by Goonight Shyamalan. Utter pish.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.


You take issue with the Sixth sense, I say to you sir, step outside so I may thwap you with my leather gauntlet and commence a fight to the death.

WoD matter how bad the rest are this will beat them all...

Kill Bill V1 completely sucked though...Bought it on DVD cause of the hype...starting watching very bored and haven't gone back to it since.... Now desperately trying to avoid buying V2 - any tips on smothering the completist in me would be appreciated.

But don't forget - Sasquatch IS the worst movie of ALL time....


"any tips on smothering the completist in me would be appreciated."

sell KB V1 to on ebay or give it to a charity shop.- if you give it to a charity shop you'll also get good karma ( i think, you might get bad karma for spreading the drokky film 'round though)


I needed a hug after Requiem for a Dream. Dunno if that's a recommendation or not.


Moose - you forgot Nottingbilge :-)

i was lucky enough to have never seen notting hell...phew!!

hugh grant is just an unfortunate coincidence in all these...

i hate andi macdowell, richard curtis' trite comedy, colin firth's smug darcey crap, chick flickiness and the word 'actually'...which is a totally pointless word. say a sentence with the word actually in it. then say it again omitting the offending word...the meaning is the same, so why use it? most people insert actually as a form of expression, but it's reall just poor use of language.

back to the films, hugh grant just happens to be in them all...poor fucker!!