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Rebellion TPB images for November...

Started by The Amstor Computer, 17 August, 2004, 05:48:00 PM

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Sorry, chap, but that's a bizarre comparison to make. The demographic for Mills and Boon readers is hardly the same as GN buyers. Sure, if a million people pick up the Dante GN by mistake, I'll not only eat my hat, but quite possibly my shoes as well.

I'll be buying the Dante GN, simply because I want the full collection (although if the Dante GNs stop half-way through the series, I'm going to go into Hulk smash mode). However, I imagine this is one of those covers that's going to put off potential buyers.


Do people really not buy a GN because of a Logo?



If you were just a casual GN reader you might be put off, I mean practically everything about the cover suggests "girly comic" doesn't it ?


The DANTE cover design is specifically intended to play up the more accessible elements of the story, is all.

The books aren't going to stop halfway through the series.



"Do people really not buy a GN because of a Logo?"

Yes, of course they do because it means that people won't pick up the GN in the first place.

If I was competely unaware of ND and I saw this cover on Amazon or in Forbidden Planet I would NOT pick it up, it looks like it's aimed at women.

Did you do a vox pop on this cover?

1. it looks feminine
2. it does not look like the hard core sci-fi it's supposed to be, although I'm a big fan of Fraser's I'm not knocking his work just the context.
3. The old logo was harder edged, more masculine had a ref. to the Russian story line and was legible, which a logo is supposed to be.


"Did you do a vox pop on this cover?"

No. Nor am I going to start any time soon.



If you already know about something, it doesn't make any difference. I'd buy the new Dante GNs even if the entire cover was shit-brown, with the character's name written in biro. The point is, these collections are also aiming to snare new readers, and I just think this cover is going to have a very tough time doing that. Still, I very much hope that's not the case, because if there's one character from 2000 AD's recent history that needs recognition worldwide, it's Dante.


Old Dante logo was too much of a pain to get on the front of a book.




have to admit man on a flying horse now screams of sci-fi and I want to buy that book now.



Obviously I could not do anything with the old Romanov Dynasty text 'cos i couldn't clone out with nothing to clone from, but the top right is screaming for some solid imagery and i was thinking what about the Romanov family members or something a bit sci-fi meaty?

Just a rough really.

Slippery PD

Obviously its a rough shot, but Im not sure it fits any better on the cover and doesnt fit it with the montage on the front.  IMHO.  

Maybe the cover is wrong, I dunno, but the new logo for me fits better.  Its by no means perfect.

Im not sure I go for all this "its feminine" stuff people are talking about, is this something like I only buy things with a big butch man on the front beating his chest and acting in an agressive yet purely hetrosexual manner??  No I thought not...  We know what the contents are, Dante is essentially a Swashbuckling epic and that cover puts across swashbuckling epic to me.

PS - Im not trying to take the piss, but the feminine comments just make me chuckle



Well the cover is quite 'femininny' - but that's not a problem for me. I've got pretty girly hair (somewhat similar to Dante's, actually, although I haven't grown a manly goatie).
Better set your phaser to stun.

Slippery PD

Yeah its feminey.  But its got a large Alien on it in an aggressive stance, a swashbuckling masked man and a couple in an embrace.  

Part of Dantes genius, which someone mentioned was the best new story 2000ad has produced, is how the elements of Love, Hate, Betrayal are all interwoven in a rich tapestry.  Dante would not work without the On-Off romantic attractions or his sexual infidelity or his attempts to be "good".  That cover seems to suggest these elements.


Grant Goggans

Wow.  I do like that better.

Although, having said that, I genuinely adore the original cover of the Hamlyn edition.  That simple image of Dante with a bottle on his flying horse effortlessly evoked a great deal, which this image, while I do seem to like it more than most, is working very hard and not accomplishing as much.
