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Thunderbirds Movie Flops...

Started by philt, 25 August, 2004, 02:32:20 AM

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Astonishing - take one iconic tv show - remove all that made it iconic graft on Spy Kids and then complain when it flops.

Sounds familiar doesn't it???

Link:" target="_blank">Thunderbirds Are Gone

Mr C

Told em so. But did they listen? Noooo.

Matt Timson


Mr C

Who is this Scojo people keep talking about?

Perhaps if the makers of Thunderbirds had used the script I sent them...





He said it may have failed because audiences who remembered the TV series were too old to watch a children's version.

or because it was shit.....take your pick.

Grant Goggans

It wasn't shit.  My kids and I have gone to about ten films this year and we didn't enjoy any of them as much as Thunderbirds.  It exceeded all of my expectations.

Oh, sure, I've seen plenty of better films, but for a perfect evening out with my children, this was it.  I'm sorry it's done so poorly.



Once again, why make a Thunderbirds movie, if you don't really want it it be Thunderbirds?  If you can't capture the spirit of the original, why bother?

All those people who complained when the fans voiced their concern.  Well the fans were right.

Maybe they should have let Gerry Anderson on board.  Obviously they knew better...


They'llmake their money back, especially on th dvd release but yes why the hell did they do it unless they were going to do it properly.

I know I didn't go and see it as it looked like a kid movie with kids as the main characters.


I did see an interview with Frakes who said he had no idea how big thunderbirds was until they got over here.

Perhaps if he had known sooner they might have handled it differently


And there's still TheMagic Roundabout movie to look forward to.

I saw a trailer for it (ironically, at Thunderbirds, I think) and people were openly laughing at it, but not in a good way.


Are you still looking for artists? 'coz I posted some of my brother's black and white work a while back, to no response

Link:" target="_blank">SWartist thread
