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Prog 1405

Started by Dom, 31 August, 2004, 03:48:18 PM

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Sorry people there was a slight problem with the print of the magazine on Thursday and the prog will not be going out until today (Tuesday).

They should be with you by Thursday.



Thanks for the warning.

It will save me weeping by the letter box...

- Trout

Max Kon

damn, i read this to late, sniff.


S'okay. Better late than never.


The Amstor Computer

Well, in that case, I'll post this now. It's too beautiful to wait until Thursday!">


The Amstor Computer

Well, in that case, I'll post this now. It's too beautiful to wait until Thursday!">



much better than the cover with Hammerstein punching an ape.


Why-y's it their last stand?  Can't wait-ait to fiind outt

Byron Virgo

Probably because they won't be back again till next year!


Damnitt!! We've only just found out who all the Shadow Warriors are. There hasn't even been any stories yet!

Damn you and your short runs, Tharg! Why do you torment me so?


But you've had lots of exciting! new! Ideas! like, um, Biol!(?) and infolation!(countered by triava!) and they've had... um... walked into town and had a fight with some monkeys. What more do you want man?

Mr C

And there's been suicide cones and floating fat men with sound systems in their bellies.


Oh yeah, the floating fat man...

and hints of some kind of drug thats bad or something. See? It's jam packed with forwards plot motion!


Is there a strip that Pat Mills has done that DOESN'T feature someone saying Drugs are bad ?
Off the top of my head

ABC warriors, with the nurse telling the kids not to take drugs

Savage, with Bill telling the kids not to take Drugs

Black Siddha -a bit more subtle this- explaining that this Demon/ alien thing got bad karma coz he took drugs.

Haven't spotted any JUST SAY NO moments in Nemesis, but I've only got the first two books.  

Tex Hex

Which is odd 'cos I always imagined Pat Mills as some acid drenched coke monkey....

hex :o)

Mr C

Nah, that's Morrison.

Be Pure!
Be Vigilant!
Say NO!