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that (potential) movie

Started by dweezil, 11 April, 2002, 06:10:14 AM

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for what it's worth. i think kurt russell would make an
ideal dredd for the movie. he's had plenty of experience within the sci-fi/action genre (the thing,escape from New York/L.A.)and is also an accomplished dramatic actor (silkwood, breakdown)and if dredd shares some similar characteristics with dirty harry, well he practically played the same roll in the two escape from movies. And while you're on the look out for a director-what about Ridley or Tony Scott
(didn't Tony nearly direct an ultra violent/satirical version of the first movie? What do the rest of you guys think? And while we're on the subject of reaction figures ( which we weren't )  what ever happened to the proposed lawmaster bike-I want!
views anyone.


I actually would like Tony Scott if I had the choice.  Ridley Scott makes films that look nice but play dull (on the whole).

And yes, Kurt Russel is the dude.  He's hard as fuck and doesn't come across as a moron.

Reaction figures don't intend to do any more Dredd figures, alas.


How about John Carpenter or David Cronenberg to direct the dredd-film?


Big fan of carpenter, how many people make as many good movies as him... not many.  His last few movies have lacked energy.  Still, even an unenergetic Carpenter would still be good and I think he'd 'get' where Dredd was coming from.

I've just been getting into Cronenburg these last few years.  He's weird, and would maybe make a good Judge Death movie.

uncle fester

Here's a thought.
How about getting Scorcese or Coppola to direct? Putting Dredd into a gritty Casino/Goodfellas/Scarface scenario would give the plot some real bite, as well as untold credibility. After all, that's the sort of scumbag he faces every day, isn't it?
Imagine it...Liotta, De Niro and Pesci hiding in the shadows, armed to the teeth, as Dredd comes riding in....

Dredd himself? Yeah, Russell is haggard enough nowadays. Though I will play Devils advocate and say AT LEAST IN APPEARANCE AND BEFORE HE TOOK HIS HELMET OFF, (before anyone chips in), Stallone had the vibe going nicely.
But what about Robert Patrick? (Terminator 2/X-files) Certainly moody and chisel-jawed enough - a few months in the gym would put the build right.

Still a crying shame that Clint Eastwood never got the chance though. That would've been too cool...


"Stallone had the vibe going nicely."

Ching!  All your comments have been automatically discredited.  Have a nice day!


Hmmm, Patrick's got the voice for it, but I just can't see him as Dredd - there's something a bit too clean-cut about him. He would make a stunning Rogue Trooper though...

2000AD Online

Coming Soon. . .

Arnolt Schwarzenegger is 'Judge Dredd'

in 'Escape from the Pitch Black Reservoir'.

Co-starring Danny DeVito as Rico.

Nahh. Already been done. If not in the cinema then certainly on a previous thread.


Look here people.. I've thought long and hard about this new Dredd stuff. Take a look at (my comics news website) for my opinion on the state of things.

As for actors, well there is only one choice really RON PERLMAN, recently seen in Blade 2.

He has the attitude the look and the voice. And really, who gives a fuck if the helmet comes off or not.

You have to consider the COMBINED BUDGET FOR BOTH THESE MOVIES IS $30 MILLION. For that amount don't expect a big name director (and you can forget about Tony or Ridley Scott) or an A list actor. I think what we're looking at here is a sort of Universal Soilder effort.

I may be wrong, but I doubt it.

And anyway, it probably won't get made in the first place.

Leigh S

The point a lot of people seem to miss is that almost all Sci-Fi/comics films that make it big, do not do it on the back of a A list star - "Star Wars" is full of unknowns, "Terminator" made a star of Arnie, but he was nothing before that, ditto with Weaver and "Alien".  

Sci-Fi as vehicle for Movie Star Ego is a recipe for disaster - Battlefield Earth, anyone?


Yes, fully agree on that one.  The problem with a lot of films, not just SF, is that they are star vehicles.  Films tailored and modified to fit the star, not the right person for the right job.

The only film I ever want to see Arnie in again is one that he just plays a part in or, for me, Conan 3, which if it is as good as the first one will be well worth the wait.  But probably not.

Thread Zero

I think it would be better to make one film at a 30 mill budget.

More money for effects etc. If a success, then make the second film.

Worth considering perhaps.


O Lucky Stevie!

>As for actors, well there is only one choice really RON PERLMAN

absolutely, & it's directed by jean paul jeneut. i remeber sitting in the cinema watching city of lost children  & thinking, "this is exactly what i want from a dredd film!"

i've wet my knickers!
steven l'enfant terrible
"We'll send all these nasty words to Aunt Jane. Don't you think that would be fun?"

O Lucky Stevie!

ooops, here's the missing letter m to paste into my previous posting.

i've wet my knickers!
steven l'enfant terrible

"We'll send all these nasty words to Aunt Jane. Don't you think that would be fun?"


Hit the nail on the head Scojo, why make two films when the one existing film in the franchise carries with it such a lack of goodwill.

I can see the scene, 'well Mr Financier there's this film that was a complete flop thats 7 years old. We'd like $30m to make not one but two sequels. That way if the first one is pants we know the second can go straight to video'

The Spiderman movie looks the business from the trailer. This too is a damaged franchise (anyone remember the 1980(?) movie) but by going for quality in terms of cast and production I think this will be successful.

I would rather have one good movie that breaks even and does not damage the reputation of our beleagured British comics industry than two 'made for tv' movies that go straight to video in the UK.

Having said all that I'll go and see them anyway.