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Tooth-related nightmares

Started by Goosegash, 08 October, 2004, 03:03:35 AM

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Last night I dreamt our house had been burgled, and some bastard had made off with all the progs I've collected since January.

Anyone else ever have ridiculous nightmares about the state of their comics collection, or just me?


I had a nightmare in which my wife was having an affair with an American comics nerd.
  When I told her, she said that she had enough comics already


that's just got me thinking, was the comic book guy based on that guy on aintitcool, or vise-versa ?


the similarity is too scary if they aren't related in some way


Not comics related, but I had a nightmare that we had a pet tarantula that was able to fly by weaving a big web. It started to fly off, so I grabbed the web but it climbed down it, turned into a little jellyfish (that I knew was very, very, very poisonous) and, in a moment of real 'this isn't right' horror, engulfed my hand ...

I quickly woke up to find I'd been laying on my hand and it had gone numb ... phew.
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


hmm... not a nightmare, but it felt like a bad dream when I woke up.  I dreamt I was able to fly to England and buy a whole bunch of progs.  Just as I was making my way home to the states, I woke up.

I sooo wanted to go back to sleep and read all those progs before waking up.

On a similar topic, I suggested to my fiance that we take our honeymoon in England to see all the sights, but he didn't buy it for a second.  He knew I wanted to raid all the comic shops for 2000 AD.


Well? Does he want you to be happy on your honeymoon or not?!

When I was younger I had a dream where it was my birthday & I got loads of great presents.
I woke up to no birthday & no new presents, just school in the rain.

Better set your phaser to stun.


Haha.  I'm sure he does want me to be happy, but he also wants to be happy. Maybe if I explain it that there's plenty of night for him to be happy and plenty of day for me to be happy. ;)

Don't know if it'll work though, but it's worth a try.  hehe.


I don't wish to make a gender/sexual assumption here, Shado, but does this mean you're:



Into comics

Into hard-to-find British comics?

Do you realise how many minorities you're a member of?

Are you left-handed, too?

(Visit Scotland instead, BTW. It's nicer.)

- Trout


Haha, yes, I'm all of those except left handed.

I also like manga, but that's not so much of a minority in America since a lot of females like manga.

hmmm... what else am I a minority of... hm, can't think of anything off the topc of my head, except to add that I like indy comics and don't read much Marvel. I read more DC because of Vertigo, but not much superhero stuff.

If I went to England, I would definitely visit Scotland.  I'd try to go as many places as possible around there.

Max Kon

i onec had a dream where a giant molar was trying to get me.


I once had a dream that I woke up to the alarm, only I was in a jungle on plaform up high covered in leaves all flat and going over the edge of the platform angulary, like in some computer games. A white lilly flowered from my alarm, and a red hummming bird came down and did what humming birds do with flowers, then a kowala fell on the platform looked around, but jumped off, then an other kowala did the same. A baby kowala fell down and looked around , but didn't jump off, i began to approach it, it looked at me, then jumped off.

What woud Dr Freud make of that ?

Max Kon

well the koala's represent true love, you just don't catch them in time. It represnts your true love comiting suicide

and the rest means nothing


SilvaShado, without starting a debate, I should point out that England and Scotland are different places.

I suspect you're using the word England as a synonym for Britain or the UK.

No offence meant, or taken.

- Trout


This is my nightmare: An endless deserted waste.  Post-nuclear apocalypse?  Quite possibly.  Rubble strewn around.  Feeling...sick.  No food.  No water.  And then, slowly, sickeningly, I realise that I'm not alone.
Standing beside me is a man.  He looks at me, and opens his mouth.  He rambles...I hear snatches of words, half-garbled from some pit within his stomach.  Drool gathers at the corners of his mouth.  There is no way out.  
He's wearing a kilt.
And, o the horror, the awful lurching wrench of horror as I begin to make out what he's saying.  I and this Scotsman are the only people left on Earth.  And he's explaining why he hates the English.  In depth.

There's a Welsh variant, but I wouldn't burden anyone with that.