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November 2

Started by shane05, 02 November, 2004, 08:56:26 AM

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Well it's not quite final... but it's not exactly great....


'They're American, dont think that the majority actually know whats going on.'

That reminds me...

'IMHO Bush wanted war and Kerry is in it for big businesses'

Kerry has only been critisized for being big government and never big business, while the Bush family and current administration are consistantly linked with business interests. Way to make an informed decision. And then you call the 'wanted war' Bush the lesser of evils, implying that you are neither in the military nor an Iraqi civilian.  I'm sure they would disagree.  While the military tends to be republican and are backing Bush, I'm sure none of them want to die for Bush's amusement.

Generally Contrary

Well, with a nearly 4 million majority in the popular vote, it would be a travesty if Kerry won Ohio by a few hundred and took the White House.  From the point of view of someone who'd rather see him as President, a good part of me hope that he concedes, rather than tar the next Democrat candidate with a sore loser tag, or worse, win and effectively be a lame duck President, without a popular mandate and hamstrung by Republican control of the House and the Senate.

Interestingly, with every gay marraige ban being passed by a thumping majority, with the Republicans extending their control of the House and the Senate, and with the popular vote going to Bush, it is pretty clear who the American people want to run their country.

Doesn't stop me thinking that they're all (well, a majority are) selfish, boorish, thugs, but hey, that's demofoxcracy.  If the right enjoy making up their own words and phrases, I'll stoop just this one time.

Link:" target="_blank">A Complete Revolution


'it is pretty clear who the American people want to run their country.'

Americans are terribly insecure and cowardly, they live in constant fear and inadequacy. Most are convinced that this cowboy can keep them from getting killed and their big screen tv being taken away.


God Help America.


Dan Kelly

Sod them, they made the choice.

Its the rest of the world that needs His help.


Richmond Clements

God help the rest of us, Jamie...

Dan Kelly

Can I clear something up right?

Ohio has 20 electoral college votes, yes?

This is related to the number of congressmen and therefore the population of the state, right?

Sounds almost like Proportional representation, doesn't it.

However, am I right in thinkning that all 20 votes go to the candidate that has the majority?

Why don't they do a 50/50 split or whatever?

Dan, confused...

House of Usher

Sounds almost like Proportional representation, doesn't it.


Not even almost. In actual fact it's somewhat less proportional than the British electoral system. Imagine if what we did here was say "Hmm, Wales... That's 6 for Labour, 1 Tory, 3 Libdem and 2 Plaid Cymru... okay: 12 Labour, then !"

That's how the electoral college system in America works.


Is there no one else to vote for? Does it *have* to be Bush or Kerry?

well, no, you don't have to vote for either labour or conservitive, but the reality is it will be one or the other.  why waste a vote?

Kerry looks like Carlos drew him

i aint the only one who noticed, then......


 "Hmm, Wales... That's 6 for Labour, 1 Tory, 3 Libdem and 2 Plaid Cymru... okay: 12 Labour, then !"

That's how the electoral college system in America works.

Except that we're apparantly so devoid of creative thinking and diversity that we only need two parties.

Dan Kelly

That's what I was meaning.

The number of college votes is set according to the population.

If they got a number of College votes proportional to the number of people who voted for them, then you'd have a form of PR.

However the majority winner gets all 20 votes, even if they get

House of Usher

you don't have to vote for either labour or conservitive, but the reality is it will be one or the other. why waste a vote?

Well, you don't have to waste a vote. You could vote Liberal Democrat, like a quarter of the British electorate already does. If everybody who was disenchanted with Labour and the Conservatives voted Liberal Democrat, the LibDems would get a third of the vote as a bare minimum, and would almost certainly push the Tories into third place at a general election.

But so many voters are afraid of 'wasting their vote' that they just vote Labour or Tory, and perpetuate the status quo.

House of Usher


Generally Contrary

Colorado had a proposition on the ballot to share out the electoral college votes proportionally, which would make the system much more democratic - as it would ensure that every vote of Coloradians(?) had a voice in the Presidential election.

Some other states already do this.

It got voted down 66% to 34% (give or take a few late counting precints).

Democracy Ho!