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Started by James, 09 November, 2004, 02:23:10 AM

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Halo 2 is coming out on thursday. No-one's mentioned it yet so I will.

I'm dead excited.

Oh yes I am.


And if anyone's gonna be online with it, lemme know

Gamertag's Kircough.


Sorry, I thought I had mentioned that it was.

Halo! Halo! Halo!

Don't know if I'll be online - I'm tempted, as I think it comes with a two month free trial. I'll probably go for Pyroxian as a Gamertag in that case



I'll be buying an Xbox in the next few weeks, and this game is first on the list.  If you can play it online straight out of the box, then I'll more than likely give it a shot, but if you have to pay through the nose for the privilege, uh uh.
Do you need special adaptors and stuff to play online, or does the Xbox just connect up to the internet like the Dreamcast did?  (Quake 3 Arena online for the DC - ahh... them were the days)


Provided you've got broadband, it should just plug straight in. I think you'll have to buy the Live! pack, which comes with the headset communicator.



Spend MORE cash?  I don't f*cking think so.
Considering that they make plenty of money off the bloody online content, I object to having to pay them twice - once for the game, then again to play the damn thing.
If it plays out of the box, though, I'll twat the pair of you in ANY deathmatch.  You see if I don't.

test 4 echo

my local game shop is opening at midnight wednesday to let people get this. I got mine preordered, but i reckon i can wait til morning. still undecided about xbox live, ?40 odd quid doesnt seem that bad for a year of online gaming, but got that on pc already.

Mr D

X-Box Live is a pretty decent deal all things considered. ?30/40 for a full year of unlimited online gaming works for me! shame I don't have broadband...

I want Halo 2 so bad.... Sadly spent too much cash preparing Christmas pressies (largely for the girl who's gonna dump me tomorrow..... Well, today) and Velvet Revolver tickets. No cash left really!



I believe its actually out 9th of November so we should either have it express posted up for play tonight or sometime tommorow....oh the wait, its killing me.
This game will be the second comming of Christ, already has pre-order exceding 1 million units only other games that match this are the Final fantasy series and the Dragon Quest(Warrior)series of RPG's in Japan.

CU Krestel

crazy comic guy

I've got a bit of spare cash left over from my bithday so will hopefully be able to pre-order. This wil be AMAZING! Any one read the exclusive a issue or two ago in the OXM? Stunning.

Heres hoping it'll be as good as it sounds, and for ?30.0!

Link: preorder it here for ?30.0!

Something Fishy

I shall be there James. Still have you on the friends list so will look out for you.

only 2.. days... but i fear it might be longer as i've pre-ordered from amazon.  Nowhere around here has any left (all sold out of their allocations).

i'm sooooo excited.

What you playing at the moment?

Something Fishy

Very little online content is charged for.

pay for yer starter pack and play online for a year.  now xbox is only ?100 you'd be mad not to.


Anyone moaning about paying ?40 for the XBOX Live kit just shut up and buy the damn thing already.

You only really appreciate how good a service Live is once you start trying to play online with the PS2 or on PC. It is totally hassle free, the voice comm is second to none and things at Microsoft's end is running smoothly 99% of the time.

As for the downloadable content, most of it is free (or it was when i was connected) and the premium stuff isn't a requirement but it does add plenty of life into your favourite games. Sure they do make plenty of money of it but something like the PGR2 content is very reasonably priced, ?3 for around 8 new cars and 8 new tracks in each bundle. With the premium content my copy of PGR2 cost me about ?50 rrp but i've played it for 150hrs online approx so it was pretty bloody worth it and a testement to how good Live is, especially if you can get a few people you know from the board to join you.


Hey fishy, i'm playing Sreet Fighter anniversary at the mo, and a bit of SW Battlefront. And Amped 2 still:)

Devons Daddy

i had the french copy three weeks ago!

by the time you get to level 5 you are on the phone to the guys at bungy offering your first born as homage to their skills.

the level of feeling like you are in a constricted area is amazing for the close hand to hand combat is outstanding.

but for sheer wow moments. go to an abyss area. throw a grenade. watch it slowly fades and in the distance so 10 seconds later you see the flash and the sound far away. beyond words the whole thing.
and the AI. dont even consider heroic mode. the convenant are to damn tough and clever.
the needler gun is useful and fun unlike in halo.
but wait till you get to see new warthog. and ghost, when they get hit they take damage and are harder to steer. you actaully see dents and bits missing.

i wont mention the tank. trust me you will be saying WOW out loud.

two guns at a time. bloody excellent

overall. halo 2 10-10 outstanding.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

Mr D

Right, you talked me round. I ordered it. Bastards.

Oh, and she didn't dump me - big yay!