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The Incredibles

Started by longmanshort, 21 November, 2004, 08:58:21 PM

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Jared Katooie

Saw yesterday. Liked it quite a bit but didn't love it as I should have. I put that down to T4 though. I had no idea just how spoilery their tedious preview was until seeing the film. They ruin EVERYTHING!


DDT did a job on me

Jared Katooie

"Then dont watch it!"

But it had clips! I thought I was going to have to wait till it came out on video before I saw it.


Has anyone noticed that the scene on the adverts - where Mr Incredible is trying to squeeze into his new suit in his office but the button pings off and ricochets around the room - isn't in the film? Or did I not watch enough of the credits?
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


It was the same with monster inc, there were ads with scenes not in the film.  


I saw this last week with the group home I work at. the other staff isn't a comic guy by any means and even he relly liked it. I would say it's the best animated movie since Iron Giant.

Dan Kelly

Saw last night and really nothing more to add to that said above.  A damned fine movie.

Pixar are making more and more rounded movies each time.

How long till cars?



Cars must be good, it's a Pixar film, but I don't it showed it in the trailer.
And what did peeps think of the short?

I thought it was too  much like a moralising disney cartoon myself


'I thought it was too much like a moralising disney cartoon myself'

true, but I thought it was well done and funny. The naked lamb had me rolling!

Richmond Clements

Took the boys to see this this afternoon.
Couldn't say enought good things about it really.

The real strength of it, though, is in the fact it is not a parody or piss take, but just a straight superhero story.
Bloody perfect.

Something Fishy

exactLy rac.. and you know,that is the bit my mate at work did not get...

"why wasn't it funny all the way through"?  he just didn'tget it at all.