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All hail Monkey Dust!

Started by Shewrog, 04 December, 2004, 06:03:41 PM

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Just revisited the godlike genius of the first seaso, oops, sorry, series of this on DVD. Any other fans out there?

Its the only comedy that's got the old brain working since The Day Today and that was over ten years ago now wasn't it?


Best thing on Telly by a mile! And sadly accurate in its observations. Should be shown in schools, as a public information film.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


First series = brilliant.
Second series = Observational, but not so comedic.


Hysterical, wish I could write like that.

Steve Green

There should be a new series on BBC 3 in Jan/Feb.

I worked on about five minutes worth (backgrounds, some 3D stuff.)

- Steve


Cool, hope its shaping up to be just as good as the last two!

Steve Green

I haven't seen any of the other sketches, but our stuff was fun to do - basically it's divided up between different groups of people, recurring characters would be given to the same group (we were doing a new character) and a couple of standalone sketches, but I didn't have any contact with the other guys...

Hope you enjoy it, I've only seen our stuff edited with dialogue (no sound effects or music) so it will be cool to see it all put together.



Steve Green

There's a bit about the new series up there now...

(The playlist section may be a bit spoilery though)

the new series starts on 4th Jan looking at the listings on Digiguide...




And I thought I was the only one who watch it!
GREAT to hear it's back for a 3rd season although I thought the 2nd one was weak.
Going top get it on DVD now I know it's out!

Keef Monkey

Never actually seen this, but bought it for Miss Monkey's christmas just because it looked like her cup of tea. Glad to hear it's good!

Max Kon

What is monkey dust? I've never heard of it

Steve Green


it's an animated series on BBC Three (but gets a repeat on BBC Two).

It's a sketch show, some recurring characters, fairly twisted...




I`ve never heard of it either, what`s so good about it?
 thanks for telling us