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The Punisher

Started by Shewrog, 05 December, 2004, 02:20:11 AM

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Has Anyone seen the latest film version of this?

Is it as bad as some of the reviews say?



He gets beat up by the baddies, then somehow just manages to get to a gun, turns the tables and wins, but walks away somehow more dead inside than before, etcetera etcetera.
Repeat, this time with John Travolta.
The end.

Mr D

Hey, I liked it!

He heals WAY too quickly a few times, the Russian is nowhere NEAR as cool as with Ennis and generally it's far weaker than it's source material.


It is still pretty lkeable - I went with a large grou and it inspired all them to read some of Ennis' Punisher (or maybe it was me forcing it in their faces......) and most njoyed the film a lot.
Decent action scenes and some decent comedy - unfortunately the funny bits seem tonally ot of place.

Fave line:

Travolta (on ground, bleeding): Y... You. You killed my s-son...

(*distant explosion and scream*)

Castle: Both of 'em.


I admit the scene with the piercings that was straight out of the comics was effective.

Mr D

Put it like this - if you saw the original movie, this is nowhere NEAR that terrible.

Richmond Clements

I agree.
A LOT better than the first attempt at a movie, and nowhere near as bad as I was lead to believe it was going to be.


Mr D

Meh... It wasn't great or life changing, but in an action movie context I thought it was pretty good. I wasn't bored, Irarely thought 'that's just stupid' and I was pretty much entertained. It kept my attention and even had some neat/original touches.

Personal preference I think. It helped that I expected it to suck.


Yeah, I could see people other than me liking it - but my crapola-radar is a tad unreliable, as I normally enjoy stuff more if it's crap (Sunset Beach, Mile High, anime, Godzilla movies, Kamen Rider, etcetera).

Mr D

He he - made it slightly too good to be enjoyable then?

Then again, I'm partial to a bit of the big G too.


Punisher would never necver never PRETEND to tourture someone with an Icypole and a bit of steak, come on he is a phsyco he doesn't think things through. all criminals are scum and deserved to die this version was too sane by far.

CU krestel


Punisher would never necver never PRETEND to tourture someone with an Icypole and a bit of steak

He does that in Punisher War Zone - not sure what issue, but one of the early ones where he infiltrates the Mob.

I know this as I was a huge Punisher fan in my teens - and a few weeks ago sold everything on eBay, so re-read a few of them after dragging them from the loft.

The first few issues of the regular series and the PWJ were genuine class - but it wasn't long before they got blighted by Marvel Universe crossovers (Dr. Doom? The Reavers, anyone?) and sub-standard art.



Hmmmmmmm, sounds like a rental then, rather than a purchase...cheers everyone.


I remember the Punisher once broke someone out of Death Row, with the intention of torturing the location of his victim's bodies out of him.
This was back when it was still good.  Mike Baron was writing it.  Garth Ennis' run at the minute seems to be going over much the same ground, but with more swearing and overt violence.