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striker to publish war of the worlds

Started by maryanddavid, 05 December, 2004, 06:34:04 AM

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Max Kon

But how else can I refer to myself and my army of monkey drones but in the plural. Mokey drone will be making an apearance later tomorrow.

Monkey Drone Primus

Yeah, how else is max ment to refer to us? We are not amused wils, we are not


well, here`s hoping it`s good. I`ve read one copy of Striker, courtesy of Gary who kindly mailed it over here and didn`t care for the art or the stories. If their War of the Worlds is any good, I suppose I`ll get to hear about it.

yours diplomatically and apathetically


Hmmm. Wonder who the first person to head over to the Striker website to plug 'Second City Blues' is going to be...

House of Usher

Somebody who doesn't embarrass easily?


Matt Timson

"know it all cynic"?

Don't outstay your welcome, mate- it was a reasonable assumption and a tactic that's been used before.  You could easily put the record straight about how and why you acquired the rights without being such a nob.

Any "Martian machine" is going to have three legs- it's in the sodding book.  Are you going to go after everything that's ever seen print in the world that depicts a three legged Martian machine?

Most people here are pretty pleased for you- and I for one will be picking up your comic when it comes out- but if you're going to wander in here with a bad attitude and talk like a twat, you can wander straight back out again as far as I'm concerned...

Link:" target="_blank">Don't steal my design, now...


Bad Andy

A popular Striker would probably be good news for Tooth. I'm presuming that it has a much younger readership, which means a new demographic will be much more willing to pick up an anthology comic on a regular basis when we've all died off.

Must admit I've not seen (or looked for) Striker in the shops but would pick one up and give it a go. It seems there's a fair bit of T&A looking at the website, but tooth and meg been more than guilty in the past as well.

Bad Andy

More info posted by the creator on a forum. Interesting.

I've already stated that we will be serialising TWOTW as a series of monthly comics. That means a dedicated comic to TWOTW and some features on space etc - not a section that is going to be a part of the Striker comic. The first story, adapted from the original book, will take about six months to tell. These strips will then be compiled into one graphic novel to be released at around Christmas and could also be sold as a box set with TWOTW album. The monthly comic would hopefully continue by leading the story into contemporary times with different scenarios and new characters.

For those who don't know, the original story describes how the invasion began when a number of cylinders landed on Horsell Common in Surrey. Martian fighting machines then emerged from these cylinders with various terrifying weapons at their disposal, including incinerating heat rays, a lethal black gas and a choking red weed that covered parts of the landscape. The Martians were also known to have fed on captured humans to sustain themselves.

We will be creating in 3D various landmarks from Victorian Britain, including a scene not decribed in the book where the black gas descends into the newly-built London Underground stations, where hundreds of people have escaped to seek refuge.

We will also want to concentrate more heavily on the characters than H.G. Wells did.

Our comics will certainly not be pulling any punches, as we will endeavour to capture the sheer terror that the people of Victorian Britain - which was the mightiest empire in the world at the time - would have felt when confronted with a cold and evil race that was infinitely more advanced than theirs.

As I have also said, no resources will be diverted from Striker. How could they be - we are already underfunded and understaffed! HW is right to hope that the artists who work on TWOTW may also be able to work on Striker. But people must continue to be patient; Striker is evolving but developments can't be rushed.

crazy comic guy

Comic could be good, though 3d art..... hrrrr
Tom fucking cruise! Why oh why. What is the point.


I agree Bad Andy, two SF comics on the shelves and if they buy WOTW, then they may give 2000AD a go.  it can only be a good thing.  here we have a professional company that wants to produce weekly comics.  If they succeed, more will follow, so ic an only support them.

I bought Striker for five issues, but at the end of the day it was a football comic, and not really aimed at me.  Striker has passed sixty issues (I got issue sixty at the Expo) and I really wish it all the best of luck!  Comcics for everyone, whatever their tastes I say!

I'll be buying WOTW and wish it all the best too.  I can see it doing really well.  I love the musical (just put it on now as I write).

I'm not sure there's much point in a running battle between a few of the Striker and 2000AD fans.  I met Pete Nash at the London Winterfest in 2003, and it was nice to meet someone with enthusiasm about comics who was also willing to do something about it.


"Wa-a-a-ay ahead of you..."

I assume you're "Samuel Soutar", then...?
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


Striker is evolving.....

  sounds sinister.


It's great news that they have managed to get Shatner (well his photoshopped head) to play a major role like Gazza did in Striker!


"Don't outstay your welcome, mate- it was a reasonable assumption"

Also known as jumping to conclusions and shooting your mouth off.

"I'm not sure there's much point in a running battle between a few of the Striker and 2000AD fans."

Couldn't agree more. The two titles couldn't be more different. But some of the adjectives that have been used here to describe Striker are not only unwarranted but illogical and have been responsible for starting the tit-for-tat insults. If Striker really was as awful as some of you say, we wouldn't be in business and 1,000 readers wouldn't have invested nearly ?200,000.
I'm not a fan of 2000AD but I admire the work that goes into it by both the artists and writers and people who put it together.
As far as 3D goes, it's my choice to pursue that route and we're providing work for up-and-coming 3D artists just as 2000AD does for emerging artists using traditional tools.
Like us or hate us, we're producing comics and that can only be good for what at the moment is a virtually dormant industry.