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You guys like my photos right?

Started by Max Kon, 05 December, 2004, 12:46:44 PM

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Max Kon

You guys like target='new'>my photos, right? target='new'> and these are shit right?

if you agree with me I'm gonna delete a friend on myspace, the bitch rubs me the wrong way any way.


It would help if we could see them Max.


Richmond Clements

Well Max, there are not pictures of me in your selection, so that loses you points.

But who the funk are Warpath?

Max Kon

Rac: that's cause I thought I had taken one of you, but only found ouy when I got home that you weren't on any memory card, And I have no idea who warpath is. I think they are welsh.

House of Usher

Are you sure they're Welsh, Max?

Who went to Cardiff to see Warpath, whoever they are?

Nice convention pics, by the way. Well worth another look.


I'd just say that taking photos in dark gig venues is a pain in the arse though. You try to do it with basic camera equipment and more often than not it comes out as sludgy and ugly looking.


Max Kon

At a dark gig waht you do is extend the amount of time that the shutter is open, more light enters and then you can see whats in the photo, so it's not that hard.


But if the band are moving around you tend to get horribly blurred shots.


Max Kon

Yeah, but you don't have to extend the shutter time by too much, and if you are steady they don't blur too much. And a certain blurs can look good, especialy the arms.

Queen Firey-Bou

yes i like your pics, i'm confused tho, you delete people if there is a general consensus that they take shit photos?

surely you should delete people if they are a pain in the arse? consensus or not.

feck it, i'm off to delete myself.

Max Kon

I just wanted to know if her opinions were valied or not, as you people say they are not i'll delete her


your pictures are fine. I like them. I can`t see her pictures. Maybe she`s just not interested in conventions, 2000 AD and/or convention goers, in which case she shouldn`t be commenting on your pictures.


Bolt, Adrian Scott is actually lurking behind me in the photo, but due to my lack of a profile (due to me...erm...not actually doing anything to warrant one) it does look a bit confusing.

Without trying to sound too judgemental, I'm willing to bet the photos taken at that gig were done with a rubbish disposable camera. Or a crappy digital. The digital camera I've got is an absolute dog for changing the "shutter speed" on, and I hate it with a passion.