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When Zombies Attack!!!

Started by longmanshort, 08 December, 2004, 11:17:19 PM

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Get your best ripped shirt out, nick your
mum's/girlfriend's/wife's/next-door-neighbour's eyeliner and gouge a bloody hole in your cheek (kidding!) because we're after photos of real-life (or real-dead) zombies!!!

If you've missed this year's must-have gift and *don't* have a zombie about the house, make yourself up as a zombie, do some zombie thing like devouring the flesh of the living or banging your head against a door repeatedly or have one of your friends PRETEND to hit you over the head with a cricket bat, take a photo and either upload it to the Yahoo group (link below) or e-mail me!

Make 'em as dramatic as possible!!! The idea is we get a whole batch of them and use them a photos for the various spoof-articles and adverts going in the mag.

BRAINFLASH: Maybe even have before/after zombification photos for a Make-Yourself-Into-A-Zombie advert?

Anyway, loads of people are joining up, but we more! MORE!!! So join up below ... before it's too late!!!!!


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One aspect no-one's mentioned yet is the computer game that defined many a university career: Resident Evil!

Anyone fancy doing an article on the history, background, storyline and impact of this inconic game and its sequals?">
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


Is there no-one up for this Resident Evil feature? You don't have to do it all on your own, just thought there might be gamers out there who'd want to give their take on its zombie-related mayhem!
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++

Bart Oliver

Okay Mike, what's this favour you want?
Obviously you're not a golfer.


Zombie trivial factoid; the Saint met some zombies in a later short story. They were being employed by an evil American businessman who had moved to Haiti to avoid rising labour costs. He was going to zombify the Saint but..

spoiler, I suppose

a babaceous voodoo priestess to whom the saint had been kind protected him and made the businessman into a zombie instead


I remember General Contrary saying something along the lines of he knew how he'd survive a zombie holocaust (around the time Dawn/Shaun of the Dead came out).  He never did tell us. Maybe he will now.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Speed zombies versus old school shambling zombies, which are best?


Bart Oliver

How about zombies from around the globe?

*Baggsy* 'Mexican Bandit Zombie'.
Obviously you're not a golfer.


by the way, there`s a nice `zombie zoo` story in Garth Ennis`  `Hitman` comic

Jared Katooie

Yeah. A zoo filled competely with animals that live in water. Caleed an aquarium.


Mr C

Should speed zombies be redefined as Ghouls?

Jared Katooie

Ghouls are more lurkers than runners really.

Mr C

I've always considered Ghouls to be ambush attackers, though. They're afast and move in packs. Mind you, the physiological changes with ghouls are far more drastic than with zombies (see the case of the artist Pickman in 1920's Boston for an example).

Could speed zombies be a new strain of the zombie curse? Or are they an offshoot that has only just made itself known to the greater world?

(Sorry, just getting into my zombie ecology a bit!)



No, no, no, it's not Spurrier's latest brush with the law, it's a big request to all the budding script writers out there ...

I've got some great artists dying to get to work on stuff for The End is Night, but an absence of scripts!

Whatever the zombie idea, whatever the zombie length - sendmail me and let me know!!!
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