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Best comics art?

Started by Dudley, 10 December, 2004, 09:35:52 PM

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"...whereas all you need to with the cgi stuff is be competant at using a programme.."

Not true. Not even slightly.

If you look at the" galleries> at, or better yet, track down a copy of" Expose>, you'll see that 3D art can require just as much skill, talent and technique. It's all art - it's just produced with different tools.

There's good and bad 3D/CG art, just as there is traditional 2D stuff. Get with the times, grandad!

Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


...and bollocks to the web-fu!
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


I'd like to see some of these 3d programmers efforts at painted stuff first before I'll agree there..


its all to do with Aesthetics you prefer your furniture hand made by craftsmen or machine made flatpack?..its all furniture just made differently..


Here's one of Steven Stahlberg's pieces. He produced 2 versions: One 2D painted version, and one 3D modelled version. I'll leave it to you to figure out which is which...

Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


D'oh! Here's the one I arsed up...">
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


how about don lawerence on the trigan empire?also frazetta and rich corben on den.


I think the 3D modelled one is the one that successfully appeared in your first post.


Jared Katooie

I agree with Wake. In the second picture the skull on the floor looks painted.

Matt Timson

"...whereas all you need to with the cgi stuff is be competant at using a programme.."

Jumping Judas- it must be so easy to drift through life having an opinion on everything without a clue in your big fat head to back it up.

Matt Timson

And yes, I'd go with the first one being cgi as well.  There's a sort of 'flatness' going on with the shadows on the side of the Dragon's face that I usually associate with cgi.  It's still very good though and clearly takes a little bit more skill than being 'competent with a program'.

Max Kon

 Steven Stahlberg has skillz.  And I'll go with concensus.


The first, CGI image is technically brilliant and undeniably impressive. The second has warmth, character and, in my humble opinion, is just that little bit more 'human'.

As an analogy: which would you rather receive in the post, a typewritten letter, or the same document written with a fountain pen on handmade paper?

I realise that this is essentially a personal prejudice, but I feel there is more to artistry than the technical excellence of the finished work; the creator expresses something very personal in the  marks that he or she makes, and the closer to the work the artist is, the more profound that expression will be.

Now you're gonna tell me that the first pic was the painted one, aren't ya? :-)



Max Kon

The second one is signed by hand, the first is not. Proof if any is neccessary.


Yes, I have a program, i type in " Draw superhero, dynamic, render cloudy background"

and voila!

I've heard this rubbish so many times- usually from " fine artists" with degrees

It works both ways though- the amount of people that have said " thats really nice, you should really learn 3D max"
...but ..I dont want to