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Comic stuff for christmas

Started by crazy comic guy, 14 December, 2004, 11:12:57 PM

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crazy comic guy

Might ask for that Angel Fire. Wadduya think. So much choice so little (10 days) time


I've bought myself a ton of stuff on ebay!

but I think the Necronauts book will be well worth picking up- will treat myself in january

and possibly Button Man as well


Comic stuff for Xmas, i will be recieving

The Complete Maus (finally get round to reading it) and the new Charley's War hardback.

Byron Virgo

I'm getting the new Modesty Blaise collection and the new Adventures in the Rifle Brigade tpb.

I can heartily reccomend Angelfire, however, plus it's worth supporting a new independant British publisher just getting off the ground.


Just recieved Atavar and Devlin Waugh as well as the new Meg and Prog 2005.


Bad Andy

I concur - Angel Fire is good.

Some of those hard back classic dredd tales are so-oo seductive though...

Max Kon

Jared Katooie


not exactltly for Xmas, but waiting for me at home are all three Thrud comics (I just don't trust the uni postal service)

Max Kon


Don't know why I'm posting this...">

Richmond Clements


Heh - not that I'd like to see, say Rogue Trooper, get this treatment or anything :-)

Any takers?

Max Kon

haven't laughed so much in a while, it's fucking brilliant.

Something Fishy

hmm.. perhaps not one to read to my son.