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I love you guys

Started by Max Kon, 08 January, 2005, 12:39:40 PM

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Max Kon

Cause it's been a while sinse I started a thread like this.

And I wanted to let you all know how much I appreaciate you. Totally asexually of course.

Carlsborg Expert.

Hay max ,jimmy look my frikkin computer crashed n i was about to ask you how I get my personel setting; like my icon in.

Any help here?

Max Kon

Carlsborg Expert.

yuh, sorry dude you were sayin, "i love you guys....

Max Kon

no worries, You should have gone to the Icons thread though

Keef Monkey

I also would like to spread the love as if it wasn't for this forum I would hate my job even more than I do. Reading through the posts on here keeps me pacified, even if it is a sackable offence. Call centres, eh? Anyway, cheers, I do enjoy the banter.


Yeh, you guys rule.
Although sometimes a lot of references go over my head, it's really very groovy. Plus none of my friends like 2kad. bastards!


Given the choice, I wouldn't maul a single one of you.
It's not UP to me, of course, I'm merely a beast of the field, I'm following me instincts - but gien a CHOICE, I'd definately think twice.
I like it here.


Plus none of my friends like 2kad. bastards!

ha non of my friends even read comics MAY THEY ALL BURN IN THIER OWN FATY TISSUES

Max Kon

Apart from you guys my friends are the same as Jay's. My best friend used to read kid's comics but has stopped for a few now. I've tried to bring him over to out side but he just won't budge. But then again I'm I'm same with EVE online and Xbox. He wants me to get both but I won't.


thanks for this thread, Max. It`s nice to be appreciated. I like you lot too (in a non-sexual, not-at-all-creepy way)


I know I only delurked a couple of days a go and have been working my way through threads to get a flavour of the board and how things work but is there anyway you can set things so you dont read messages from people you've worked out dont really talk about anything on topic and just spout things for the sake of it?


due to family life and work i dont post here to often, but when i do have the time i generally read read the topic and if it sounds interesting, ill reply if i have something to say. you could try the 2000ad review forum which is more on topic than this site.

Max Kon

You can kill file people. Means none of their posts come up. I do have some on-topic things to say ... occasionaly.


And are usually entertaining when off topic.