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Warhammer Comics RIP

Started by Marbles, 15 January, 2005, 04:06:29 PM

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see news on link below

Link:" target="_blank">Warhammer Comics RIP

Remember - dry hair is for squids


Didn't read em, but shame, kept a lot of people employed!

(Quick, stop buying their novels!)

I heard they might still do graphic novels.

Max Kon

yeah si mentioned it and I linked to it on the Warhammer Dredd cross over thread (then everybody stoped reading that thread).

I got to find out if I get my money back. Should do.


Yeh their stuff was pretty hit or miss.

But some of the collected GN stories are deffo worth a read :-

Colin MacNeills art on 'Bloodquest' was, as he says himself in this months Meg, some of his best stuff.
Grennie's story wasnt bad either.

Grennie also did good work on 'Kal Jerico'.

'Daemonifuge' is also worth chacking out - great art again from Kev Walker.

Pat Mills 'Redeemer' is a cracking read too & heartily recommended.
Remember - dry hair is for squids

Max Kon

why doesn't it suprise me that Pat Mills wrote 'Redeemer'?

Max Kon

Just rang up. Money should be returned in a couple of weeks, probably as a cheque.


Well, at least some good has come from all of this, Max.

Was Redeamer ever a graphic novel?

Max Kon

Yes, I remember adverts for it.


Yeh - RedeemerTPB was orginally in b&w, later in colour. I preferred the b&w tbh.

'Scourge & purge !' :)">
Remember - dry hair is for squids

crazy comic guy

they where pretty good. the two issues i read. that's another comic sadly out of print.

El Spurioso

Wayne Reynolds is an exceptionally good artist (you might remember him from one or two Missionary Man stories a year or two back).  I think he's busy with something else (computer gaming?  illustration?), because he's dropped off the comicky radar.  Shame.


Shouldn't you be drinking lighter fluid under a bridge, you jobless scum?

Real shame, this, as I only managed to get hold of one issue and it seemed okay, even if the stories were in rather small chunks for a monthly.
Just tooth to go, then that's British comics dead and buried.


"Just tooth to go, then that's British comics dead and buried."

What about Striker then, eh?  EH???



"Just tooth to go, then that's British comics dead and buried."

Well, I dunno, it trundles on as ever, but I'm not sure it's dead yet.  It ain't healthy, but it ain't dead.