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Belated Happy New Year to Everybody!

Started by Shewrog, 21 January, 2005, 03:09:49 AM

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And hope you all had a good christmas, or whatever, if anything, you celebrate at the end of December.For the last few weeks I've been unable to sign in, getting only a bizarre line of code every time I tried.

I've just been book shopping so thought I'd share my purchases (still lodsa book tokens left over from xmas.)

Ubik Philip K Dick
Midnight Lamp Gwyneth Jones
House on the Borderland and other Novels William Hope Hodgson
Hitchhikers.. (all 4 books) Douglas Adams
white apples Jonathan Carroll
Natural History Justina Robson
United Kingdom James Lovegrove
Spider Patrick McGrath

I've already read and owned Ubik, House on... and Hitchhikers in the past. Any fans out there or anybody read any of the others??


Happy New Year, Shewroq. In Japan, happy year of the cock. No, seriously.
  haven`t read any of the others there, but have good memories of Ubik.

Lord Running Clam

Happy late new year,too.I've read Ubik.I'm a big Philip K Dick fan.You read,The three stigmata of palmer eldritch?
Only read the first hitchhickers but thought it was good.


Yes, read 3 Stigmata quite a few years ago when a friend of my mums who she told I was in to sci fi lent it to me and it blew me away. I need to read it again now, actually.

Queen Firey-Bou

I was also wanting to wish happy new yearses, but felt i'd missed all the boats, i didnt get no new year kisses at all this year, strange one, cos i worked all Christmas exceptn xmas day and then stayed in & went to bed on hogmanay & left the country the next morning, the whole things swept me by, which is good, but strange & i can't help feeling that i have failed in my salutation & well wishing duties... which of course is bollox as no-one will have batted an eyelid.

have a great year of the Rooster everybody, may wishes be exceeded, & troubles pass, may dreams become reality & good luck bless all you & yours. x


I haven't read any PK Dick, ever, but Happy Cock to you all!


"Hitchhikers.. (all 4 books)"

only read the Dick and Adams books there, but you may be interested to know that the HHGTTG books now number five, and the last, "Mostly Harmless" is IMO one of the best (certainly better than "So Long and Thanks for all the fish")

And the Radio 4 adaptation of books 4&5 is due to hit the airwaves in May :)


...and the extended edition of HH Tertiary Phase is out on CD with a nice Irving cover.">
Better set your phaser to stun.


The copy of the Tertiary Phase CD Emma gave to me for Christmas came via Frazer for signing.




Wives are great, aren't they?

Kate got me a Dave Gibbon's signed The Originals for Christmas.
Better set your phaser to stun.


Thanks for the tips on the other Hitchhikers stuff, on the subject of to follow


Speaking of books, any more news on YOUR book?


Spent a day in the pub back in Wales (well more than one) with a guy from the publisher over xmas. Went well but he has legal concerns re. to the number of real people who are depicted, names of places etc. The manuscript has gone to a guy in Germany to I got one other rejection letter though which is always great, right at the start of the new year to. Woo - hoo!