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Happy Australia Day

Started by Floyd-the-k, 26 January, 2005, 04:11:50 AM

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To everyone, especially the Australian borders; Happy Australia Day

This celebrates the day that the states joined together to become Australia, so they could be safer from Russian invasion. Seriously.
  It is celebrated in Australia by not going to work and ignoring all the "let's get excited about Australia day" advertising the government goes in for .

I invite you to submit 2000 AD's dodgies piece of "strine" in celebration.
 I nominate; " Most Aussies don't give a roos poo for anything else" (from Chopper)


Since when do Australians work? I thought they sat on the porch drinking Foster's and VB all day?

Don't tell me the television has lied...

(p.s. Happy Australia day!)



Germaine Greer! Germaine Greer!


Throw another prawn on the barbie.

My mate tells a tale about Australian adverts to make you eat more meat during some equivalent of a mad cow disease crisis you had back in the early nineties.  The billboards read, simply, "EAT BEEF, Y'BASTARDS!"

Apocryphal, no doubt, but it should be true.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Gary and Art are taunting me by chanting the names of Australians I can`t stand.  How cruel. Australia Day is not a day for remembering CJ and GG (let me know if there is such a public holiday) I will counter act this;

Greta Scaaachi! Greta Scaachi!
Ross Wilson! Ross Wilson!
Gough Whitlam! Gough Whitlam!
Nick Cave!

yours sun-bronzedly">

Something Fishy

Hope you had a lovely day mate.



It's Anzac day not Australia day when Aussies can play two-up (stupid gambling game) legally isnt it?


I'm sure that's anzac day, cos i was there for the last one (late march?).

Happy aussie day to all. Hope it goes off like a frog in a sock.

Not tooth related, but recently spotted on the Gravity Games:
'...he's gone down in a screamin heap'


ripper mate! have a good 'un


My Australia Day was spent drinking beer at a mate's and mucking about in the pool while listening to Triple J's Hottest 100, followed by a BBQ.

Tiplodocus:  I'm pretty certain that one is true actually.  Currently the media are in a stir about a tongue-in-cheek TV advert for lamb calling vegetarians and non-lamb eaters unAustralian, with stuff like: 'all you pot-smoking dreadlocked hippies  know where the airport is, and if you don't i'll bloody show you.'  advertising gold.

Hope everyone else had a ripping australia day!

Jared Katooie

Happy Australian day to all our Aussie boarders, even if they're figjams.


Does this mean we get to steal someone's land, then ghettoise them and beat them up on a regular basis, pausing only to steal their children and give them to white folks?


Have a good one, oh criminally descended one.