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best episode of neighbours ever!!!

Started by raspberry reich, 01 February, 2005, 01:48:29 AM

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raspberry reich

today i saw the best episode of neighbours ever!!! it had two school girls kissing wow. i had to tell some one it was the best!!!


ooh wow! someone in the  pop business could then hire them and make them pretend they really are lesbians to boost sales (from otherwise - nil)
No.Wait, that's already been done (including lesbian kissing in a soap by the way - gay kissing always courts more controversy, strange that ;)- )

Max Kon

you watch Neighbours? Heathen, I won't send you that link to the best european leasbian porn site now.

Generally Contrary


The best episode of Neighbours is when Harold got swept out to see.

I haven't watched it for years, but I will take Madge's tearful face to the grave!


There have been better in the past:

On one Jim and Harold ate magic mushrooms when camping and shared the same hallucination for the entire night, if I remember correctly I think they thought there was a giant pig outside the tent...

One Episode was seen from the point of view of Bouncer the dog and he saw everything as a giant pantomime, with all of the characters dressed in panto costume etc...


...personaly you cant beat the episodes where Daphne gives birth in the outback with her dungarees still on, and the accidental shooting of Joe Mangles wife (Kerry?) in some marsh land...

Generally Contrary

"The best episode of Neighbours is when Harold got swept out to see."

Swept out to sea... and washed up in Tasmania!

You are all wrong.  The best episode of Neighbours was the one where Karl Kennedy got up and did his 'turn' at Lasseter's, including the arty, slow-motion, 'Rivers of the Soul'.



"...and the accidental shooting of Joe Mangles wife (Kerry?) in some marsh land..."

I liked the follow-up to this, when Harold meets his daughter's killer. The scene goes something like this:

(a man with a moustache enters the Coffee Shop)

Man with moustache: Mr Bishop?
Harold: Yes?
Man with moustache: Mr Bishop, I killed your daughter!
Harold: Noooooooooooo! (lunges at moustache-man and attempts to strangle him)

Then they cut to the next scene with Harold saying "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Moustache-man was never seen or even mentioned again, so presumably there's a "missing scene" involving Harold feeding bits of him into a furnace.


That's not the best episode, surely that one must fall to Daphne dying on Des "I love you Clarkie...[croak]". Failing that, the one where Keri Bishop was shot by duck hunters. Comedy duck whistle, BANG!, one dead animal rights activist!

raspberry reich

best episode(that doesnt involve a lesbian school girl kiss) has to be when that bitch julie dies.she falls off a roof drunk.i hated her so much i have it on tape after a godzilla movie and i use to watch it over and over again.


I can't believe the Neigbours knowledge on display here!  Where are the pictures of this controversial kiss?
 I've only ever seen the occasional trailer for Neighbours, and those were bland enough to put me off watching it.

Did Russell Crowe do any gay kissing during his brief appearance on the show?


Pictures here (for today at least)

Scariest moment of late was Harold wiffling on about lingerie...


Link:" target="_blank">Neighbours 31st Jan


wasn't the best episode when some married women dressed up as a naughty school-girl for her husband to 'spice things up a bit'...


Once you've watched Prisoner: Cell Block H, Neighbours just comes across as a little bit too... safe.