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Pancake day today, then six weeks of pain.

Started by Krustabi, 08 February, 2005, 10:36:51 PM

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Today is Shrove Tuesday, I've already had some pancakes, they were AMAZING.

Tomorrow is the start of Lent. I'm giving up crisps, chocolate & swearing. But even more painfully than that, I'm not going to post anything that might offend Max. For 6 Weeks.

What are YOU giving up?

(Cue responses to the effect of: "Stop trying to brainwash us with your evil fascist Judaeo - Christian ways". It's a free country, and before you ask, I'm agnostic, this is just to be on the safe side of things.)


raspberry reich

stop trying to brainwash us with your evil facist judaeo - christian ways:p

Demon Chicken

Back in the 17th Century or summat there was an bloke who said we don't know if God exists or not, but just to be on the safe side you might as well give up an hour a week to go to church.

Today Krusti, I will be giving up........

biting my nails, something I should have done a looooooooooooooooong time ago.  

Max Kon

Porn, I'll only vist 'art' sites for my fixes ;-)

House of Usher

"Back in the 17th Century or summat there was an bloke who said we don't know if God exists or not, but just to be on the safe side you might as well give up an hour a week to go to church."

Of course, in those days there was no television, and if you lived out in the sticks, chances are you were a very long way from the nearest theatre, so I'd echo those sentiments.


As pancakes aren't really liked in my house, I shall be making copious amounts of drop scones tonight.

For Lent, as usual, I shall be giving up Lent. ;)


I'm giving up catholicism for lent.  Not only do I deprive myself of the one thing that puts my mortal soul beyond the devil's grasp, but at the end of lent, when I'm baptised back into the catholic church, I'll have been responsible for the conversion of a heretic, thereby ensuring the safety of my eternal soul!
Anybody know where I can find a reliable drug dealer and a whore?


Back in the 17th Century or summat there was an bloke who said we don't know if God exists or not, but just to be on the safe side you might as well give up an hour a week to go to church.

Otherwise known as Pascal's Wager: "It is better to believe in God and be proven wrong, than to not believe in Him and be proved right"

Or, officially: "Blaise Pascal offers a pragmatic reason for believing in God: even under the assumption that God?s existence is unlikely, the potential benefits of believing are so vast as to make betting on theism rational. Critics in turn have raised a number of now-classic challenges. According to intellectualism, deliberately choosing which beliefs to hold is practically impossible; according to the many-gods objection, Pascal?s wager begs the question and hence is irrational; according to evidentialism, Pascalian reasoning is epistemically irresponsible and hence immoral; and according to various paradoxes, reference to infinite values is decision-theoretic non-sense."
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


"...Pascalian reasoning is epistemically irresponsible and hence immoral; and according to various paradoxes, reference to infinite values is decision-theoretic non-sense."

No wonder they named that poxy programming language after him.

Actually (to [shock!] digress), the teacher who tried to teach us computer stuff as an extra-curricular activity (hey, it was the early 80's - the 800-student school had 1 [count 'em] working computer) forced us to learn Pascal as opposed to anything more universal or interesting, while I muttered curses for his burdening me wwith something I would clearly NEVER get to use again.

Some decades later I was faced with trying to get the company's cranky CAD program to do something critical that it simply refused to do.  Realising I had to write a plug-in and/or macro, and sitting down with a heavy heart to look at its obscure-looking scripting language and incomprehensible 'manual', I experienced an episode of bizarre deja vu... somehow I already understood this in-house 'VectorScript' gobbildigook.  Because it was my old friend Pascal, in all but name.  Nice one, Sir!


I cooked pancakes for the family ... which in all modesty I totally rock at. I had three.

House of Usher

Deborah and I went to a great pancakes party this evening. Ratatouille pancakes to start, before moving on to limes and sugar, and anything else sweet you fancied. Fantastic.

Next Tuesday I'm having my office mate round for pancakes, which rather defeats the object of Lent, but there you go.


I couldn`t decide wether to give up coffee (the only thing that I`ve been able to give up in previous Lents) or the board/chatroom, so I tossed a coin.
   See you in six weeks!

Devons Daddy

yep we started the pancake promotion to commerate this here at the british club.

 im giving up,cocanut laced foods, in effort to lose more wieght,
(laksa,chicken curry,rendang,gula melaka,etc)
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

Carlsborg Expert.