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Wax on-topic, wax off-topic

Started by Trout, 10 February, 2005, 05:43:27 PM

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Queen Firey-Bou

so its rutting season again is it ? the strong circle each other, eyeing up new contenders, snarling/ growling deciding which territory or patch to lay claim to & clinging to it regardless. the domineering few make the rest of the tribe/herd/clan squirm awquardly, who will prevail? what new un-written rules will we all have to obey? are we allowed to wish each other happy birthday? congratulate on achievements, new babys, weddings ?

shit, i'm being an attention whore again...fucks sake ! don't post on a thread let them diee ! all threads must die you attention seeking bunny boiler what the fuck did you post on this thread for ...aieeeeeeeee! quick quick, ahem... i believe there was a prog in the 90's which featured bunnys, anyone remeber the page number & artist?

oh what the fuck, crucify me, whatever, ive got a prog to read, & shoes to buy or something.


Sory Guys & Doll's I'm off...see WEBSITE for me reasons.


I'm just sick of all the natter ABOUT off-topic more than anything off-topic itself.  How many fucking threads are there discussing off-topic now?
If you don't like it, bugger off - there's plenty more website forums with everything neatly arranged in little catagories of this, that, and the other - go read those.  The sooner this all blows over and the wheat and the chaff get seperated, the sooner we can all get back to talking about monkeys in hats.

Matt Timson

Unfortunately, even if all those threads die instantly, some miserable twat will still bring the topic up again in aproximately three months...


some miserable twat

Am I the only person to see the irony in Eyebrows posting that? ;)

[cue lame comeback involving 'purple pants']

Matt Timson">

"I'm not wearing any panties, but if I was, they'd be purple"



Touch?, you bastard. :)

Although, notice I'm *smiling* (albeit, obviously forced). That's that thing where the corners of your mouth go up instead of down. You might've done something similar in about 1986. ;)

I agree that tie *is* shit, though.