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Question about credits on the DC/Rebellion GNs

Started by Dunk!, 11 February, 2005, 02:47:15 PM

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Having purchased a number of the new DC/Rebellion reprint GNs - and mighty fine organs they are too - i have a small quiry which someone might be able to enlighten me on.

The covers list the contributors across the top, including my old Uni buddy Julian Gibson on SD, except Shimura; This only has Robbie Morrison, Frank Quitely then ET ALL. Why do they get top billing when two other artists have a higher page count in the GN?. It can't be original creator credits as the first Dante one heaps Morrison and Fraser in with everyone else.

Just a small niggle that caught my eye.

If the reason is obvious please start you're replies with 'Duh' and be patronising.
"Trust we"

The Amstor Computer

Duh - I'd think it's 'cos Morrison and Quitely are big names in the US. Perhaps.



Most of them have the names listed in this order:

alphabetically by surname.

eg. Dante book:

With the 'et al' cover, maybe there were too many names to fit in one line, so they just went for the main name artist - being the most famous in the US, and being the artist in the opening story?
Better set your phaser to stun.


Hmm that simple eh? (Note to self - no on-topic questions, more statements about love life and/or shopping habits)

If that's the case you'd think the cluttered credits for Rogue could benefit from being reduced to Gerry Finlay-Day, Dave Gibbons ET ALL, the whole thing might sell better on the back of The Watchman creator's credit and Indigo Prime; John Smith's known and Chris Weston has done a lot of notible work for DC. Reduce the clutter.
"Trust we"


Well I'm just guessing! There might be other reasons.

Otherwise, it should read:


(although I don't know if it's got the Lol episode in - I presume it does, but I haven't read the book yet)
Better set your phaser to stun.


No Lol, but it does have Cyril Julien's art on Web, the Dredd/Shimura crossover that ran in Meg 3.19 during 1996 and was originally commissioned for a yearbook.



Ah yeah, I did know that - but forgot. I've got the book, and flipped through it quickly - but not had chance to read it yet (what with all the other GNs I've got recently...)

So why leave out Lol's Scarey Monsters episode?
And was Fraser's Ronin Breed from the previous Meg ommitted also? I would have thought they'd compile *everything* of Shimura's from the 90s for this book, so that a future second book could start with the new stories recently printed.
Or was it *shite* so they omitted it on grounds of taste?

Shimura 2.37-2.39 (1993)
Outcast 2.50-2.55 (1994)
Shimura III 2.72-2.77 (1995)
Dragon Fire 3.14-3.17 (1996)
Judge Dredd: Web 3.19 (1996)
Judge Inaba: Babes With Big Bazookas 3.21 (1996)
Ronin Breed 3.34 (1997)
Scarey Monsters 3.35 (1997)
Judge Inaba: Big Lix & Flying Kicks 3.37-3.38 (1998)

Executioner 224-226 (2004)
Deus X 228-onwards (2005)
Better set your phaser to stun.


Ronin Breed was indeed absolute shite.  Shimura bonds with a wild horse - they're both wild and untamed ronin, geddit? - and there's a cute psychic kid in it too.

Classic line:  "Oh Shimura san!  I will never kill anything again!"


Shimura's an odd one anyway for me. I've really enjoyed the recent episodes in the Meg, and thought I may as well buy the TPB. However, I first decided just to "check", by re-reading those stories I have bundled away in my various boxes of (generally shite) vol. 2 Megs. I read the first two and decided to save the fifteen quid.


Actually, checking Grant G's Hand of Tharg site - it looks like Ronin Breed *is* in this book. It's just Lol's episode that's been dropped.

I recall Lol being a particularly bad artist, having difficulty not going over (his own) lines.
Better set your phaser to stun.


Close, but not quite right. The line is:
'I'll never kill anything again, Shimura-San.'

Ronin Breed is included in the collected edition. The two Shimura stories left out are:-
- Heavy Metal (Meg 2.75, 17.3.95) Artist: Duke Mighten, Colour: Simon Fraser
- Angels of Death (Judge Dredd Mega Special 1996) Artist: Lol

Also missing is a strip featuring Inaba that was commissioned for the Daily Star, but ended up in the Meg:-

Judge Dredd: Warriors (Megs 3.31 to 3.33, 1.7-1.9.97) Artist: Jack Couvella (1-2) and Andrew Currie (3), Colour: Alan Craddock


Max Kon


"hay david, you want an icon?"

Yes, please. My web-fu is lamentable and I have yet to figure out how to achieve such things. I'm on a Mac, not a PC, if that's relevant - OSX and all that jazz.



Would the 'I'm top bitch!' speech bubble fit in an icon Max?


Surely it ought to be the Space Girls?


- Trout