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Prog 1427: Shadow Of The Vampire

Started by shazhughes, 21 February, 2005, 07:19:18 PM

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Slippery PD

Quick review then a couple of points.
Cover - Different but OK
Dredd - Lost its way a little in the middle, beginning and end OK.
SCB - Much to my own disbelief I like it.
TSDM - Oooooh me likey, much better episode and the last one wasnt bad.
Low Life - Id like Aimme back, Franks more interesting as an enigma.  But its still good.
Dante - its pretty dull and Ive lost a lot of interest.  Cant we go back to the Buckleswashing and the fun....

On the letters page?
I just wish theyd stop reviewing a select couple of threads, but heck at least its not off topic....


The Midnight Surfer

>Who is that with the four arms? I think we deserve to know, so we can deride him! :-)

Keith Richardson



And so to my comments...

Cover: Nice to see Cliff Robinson doing a cover again. I'm not so sure about the Noferatu though, I preffered Ron Smith's original version.

Dredd: The story is progressing well. I especially liked the way they have interconnected an area Total War story (the pre-cog) with this one.

Second City Blues: A readable enough story. One I intend to stick with until its conclusion.

Tiger Sun-Dragon Moon: Exciting enough, but I have questions. If there is a mutant-Mongol army swarming across Asia, intent on attacking Hondo city, surely they would have to deal with the other mega city - Sino-City before they could strike at former Japan?

Low Life: I am enjoying this story. Dirty Frank has shown himself to be a strong character by himself, not just a supporting character. I wonder how he's going to get out of this one?

Dante: A fine ending to this story that sees Dante in an even stronger position in his mother's orginisation. I had the impression when I was reading this story that it was going to lead up to something bigger, I know see where it was going.

All in all a much better than average issue. Infinately readable, even with the notable exclusion of Droid life this week...


"Tiger Sun-Dragon Moon: Exciting enough, but I have questions. If there is a mutant-Mongol army swarming across Asia, intent on attacking Hondo city, surely they would have to deal with the other mega city - Sino-City before they could strike at former Japan?"

Goid point.  TSDM is set 13 years ahead of current Dredd continuity, isn't it?  Maybe Steve Parkhouse knows something the rest of us don't, and Sino-City isn't there anymore...


Dredd: Fairly normal Dredd story so far - wonder if there will be a twist. Nice D'Israeli art though

Second City Blues: Turning out to be a bit of a corker.

Tiger Sun-Dragon Moon: Intriguing. Looking forward to how this turns out

Low Life: Enjoyable.

Dante: Fantastic - really enjoyed this. Makes up for Dante's extended vacation from the pages of the Prog. And a storyline that ends, but Dante's still in next week - top!


El Spurioso

Sino-Cit was wiped-out in the Chris Halls episode of "Judgement Day" - bombed to paste by East Meg Two, along with Mega City 2 (Bombed by MC1), South-Am (Bombed by MC1), Brasilia (Bombed by MC1) and Djarkata (Bombed by EM2).  

Interestingly, all the above *except* Sino-Cit are mentioned over the page in the "confirmed wipeouts" panels.  

Course, it depends whether you take that to be [shudder] "canon" or not.


No, *a* Sino-City got wiped out in Judgement Day.  Like the Mega Cities and the Sov Cities, there was more than one of them.

Bad Andy

Fight fight fight fight!

Sod the characters having a Secret War - let's have the creators having one!

El Spurioso

Why would we fight?  Gordon knows all this stuff far better than I do.  The entire scope of my research was an Ennis-penned GN - nuff said.

Besides which, the last guy who picked a fight with Gordon ended up on his back, orange-shirted limbs clutching impotently at the air.  Not for me, nosiree.


In that case...

...fight fight fight fight!

Max Kon

hahaha - look at Keith Richardson (i don't know who he is either)

Queen Firey-Bou

arghhhhg !  wheres my prog ?? its wednesday for gruds sake...


First reveiw for a while...
in no particular order...
Dredd - I like d'isralies artwork - stories not bad either - nice to see side characters used.
Second City Blues - meh. havent read any of this - future sports dont grab me.
TSDM - Like this! ever since he did luke kirby, ive like his artwork, and the stories good too.
Dante - hmm... ned to re-read the whole of this - doesnt seem like much really happenned to progress the character - im probably wrong.
Low life - funny.


Dredd - Enjoying this lots. 8/10

SCB - This isn't TERRIBLE but it isn't that good either. 5/10

Tiger Sun - Better than last week and i'm getting used to the art more. Nicely written with some cool action. not bad, not bad at all! 7/10

Low Life - The best! I haven't read a series thats actually made me laugh in quite a while, but this has bucketloads and great characters. Also I like the art. 9/10

Nikolai - Like with Slaine, this is the first I've read of it so it's new to me (apart from my first Slaine was about two years ago). I'm enjoying this lots and it is very pleasing to read it's continuing straight on for a while. 8/10