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Computer games people play

Started by irving9000, 11 March, 2005, 07:54:41 PM

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I'm currently try to fogure out if I can get a new computer to play Half Life 2. thats the first time that's happened sicne, well, Half Life...


Just done with Prince of Persia and San Andreas on PS2,moving onto Total War-Viking Invasion, Age of Mythology on PC obviuosly and Medal of Honour:Rising Sun on PS2.

BTW-anyone got Rome:Total War?

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Richmond Clements

San Andreas and Shadow of Rome.
Haven't reached any chariot races yet, but it's great fun.


I tend to have too many games on the go at the same time. Then forget where the hell I am with them.

Started playing Midnight Nowhere, but got distracted with other stuff. Must continue though, 'cos I was enjoying it.



GTA San Andreas
Metal Gear 3
Gundam Battle Assault 3
Capcom Fighting Jam
Masters of the Universe: Defender of Grayskull
Gundam: Encounters in Space
Age of Empires 2
Jak 2 Renegade


Then forget where the hell I am with them.

[cough]Sanitarium[/cough] ;)


Always the toss up isn't it, Pro Evolution vs Fifa.

I own Pro Evo (one of the verions), but bought my brother who is aso a pro evo fan, Fifa 2005 for xmas, in the hope that we could play online. He has yet to sort out his online play mind you.

If Pro Evo is going online with the next version, then it might be worth waiting to play that- but then he'd have to get a copy of that too- which I guess he'd prefer, even though he's just got Pro Evo.

Ah, you get my point.




[cough]Sanitarium[/cough] ;)

Hehe! Twat. Told you I play too many games at once. :)

Jared Katooie

I recently got Viewtiful Joe and Super monkey ball. Both are good though I'd probably favour Joe for the action. I also pretty much finished Paper Mario: The 1000 year door recently. It was an emotional experience but fortunately there are still a good few side-quests to get through.

I've almost completed Legend of Zelda: Wind waker but I stopped several months ago and decided to finish the ocarina of time first. I'm quite a bit into that but I havent played it for a good while now.

Waaay back before all that I had SOnic adventure 2: Battle and Metroid prime. I completed Sonic adventure 2 but I still have a long way to go before I've unlocked everything. I doubt I ever will. I alos have my Chao pets to look raise and breed too, that reallyeats up the time. Metroid prime was alright but I got fed up with the mindless wandering around for items that comprised most of the end of the game so I took a break.

On PC I recently bought The SIms: Double deluxe and occasionaly give it a go. It's good fun to vcreate peple and torment them endlessly.

I play Nethack constantly but I always seem to die in the Gnomish mines,usuallly because I get killcrazy/fall foul of irate shopkeepers. I play a bit of Kiriburu (slash the building), Porrasturvat (stair dismount) and Kerraturvat (truck dismount) all of which are free and great fun.

I've been playing Thief a bit recently too, but being a nervous guy I find it very difficult to progress without suffering a heart attack when a guard discovers me.

I love emulation and play mostly GBA games. I have a ton of them but have several favourites. Warioware inc. is easily the best GBA game ever and one of the best games ever. 200 minigames mean endless fun. I dont normally go for strategy games but Advance wars 2 and Fire emblem (similar but with a RPG slant) are too good not to play. I'm stuck in both of them but I intend moving on as soon as my brain develops.

The best of the rest are River city ransom ex, Bruce Lee: return of the legend and Astro boy: Omega factor. All of these are solid beat 'em ups.

On my SNES emulator I'm currently replaying Earthbound, to my memory Earthbound is the only game I've ever replayed after finishing it. This is made all the bizarre due to the fact that it's an RPG but it's so humorous and entertaining I just have to give it another go.

I've been working on Chrono trigger again recently. I did well for a while when playing it last but I'm stuck in one place and cant move on. The story is so good I cant forget about this game though.

After replaying Earthbound, I started on Yoshi's island. If you haven't played this you really should. It's the best Mario platformer ever made. Period. The gameplay (and music) are just brilliant. There's no other word for it.

On the megadrive I always play my favourite levels in the sonic games and occasionaly play the odd bit of Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Jim 2.

I'm sure there are many more but those are the ones that come to my mind when I think of great games. I reccomend all of these to anyone who likes games.



Hey, Jared's a nintendoid!

I'm partial to a bit of DONKEY KONGA myself at the moment.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Continuing on the theme of playing the previous version of the game that everyone else is playing (Vice City vs San Andreas) I'm currently playing the original Half-Life


G.B.A.: Yu Gi Oh! World Champ 2005
Gamecube vacant, pending R.E. 4
X box: Silent Hill 4
P S 2: the awesome M.G.S. 3

Trying to resist an incredibly strong urge to buy a DS with Mario as I write these wor

Lord Running Clam

Right now on the gamecube im playing...
Animal crossing-which eats up more of my time thens worth thinking about.
Metroid prime 2 echos
Im tempted to get a DS.

Jared Katooie

"Hey, Jared's a nintendoid!"

Damn right. No cheap plasticey rectangles or giant black and green boulders for me!

If I had money I'd buy the DS over the PSP any day. Bloody soulless SONY gits...

Max Kon

I don't play computer games anymore. dunno why