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Started by crazy comic guy, 13 March, 2005, 06:54:01 PM

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crazy comic guy

On POPWORLD, on T4 Sunday mornings did i hear one the members of the OTHERS say something about a 2000ad smilie face printed on his arm? Or was it just me?

Can Any one confirm?


Richmond Clements

The Others... so it's either a group of ghosts from a movie, or mutants from a James Herbert book.

crazy comic guy

Hang on

It was New Order

my mistake. Never heard of them! Pff.


well i typed New order into my aol url bar and I was redirected to the Aol Music section- so it's safe to say New Order aren't a figment of your imagination (actually they could've been, and just coincidentaly there just happens to be a real band called New Order out there)

Queen Firey-Bou

and i went a 6 week tour of standing stones in brittany in 1988 in peter hooks car, i think it was a triumph, and the big end went. That was when he was going thru a phase of being in a band called revenge, they were shite, and the lead singer? Dayyyyyve or 'Daveth' to be more celto-phile, was a big wanker...

name & shameeeeeeeee.
never got to talk to hookie, just trashed his car.


Conexus... are you a high court judge, or have you geniuningly not heard of New Order. Oh hang on, AOL... that explains a lot

Slippery PD

Oh dear, now theres a travesty.  A immensely influential band that no ones heard of.....



It was Peter Hook from new order, he refered to a tatoo he had of 'a smiley face from 2000ad'.

Now, he was either mis remembering and it was the smiley face from Watchmen he was talking about or it was choppers tag from Unamerican Grafitti.

Personally think he was mistaken and was talking about the Comedians badge from Watchmen with the blood drip.


He could have meant the smiley face from the Chopper/Phantom story.

Byron Virgo

Saw New Order a few years ago, and they actually had the decency to give the crowd what they wanted and played World in Motion.

Not like the fuckin; Lightning Seeds...!


crazy comic guy

So i think it's safe to say that more people than just me heard him say it.

Is he on the message board?


new order were on totp years ago, one of them was sporting the dredd t shirt your next punk


He could have meant the smiley face from the Chopper/Phantom story.

That's wot I ment by Choppers tag.