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Droid psychoanalysis.

Started by Krustabi, 14 March, 2005, 08:47:19 PM

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Yesterday I was reading Inferno, and I thought to meself "How does Mark Millar sleep at night". And I realized he probably doesn't, due to a recurrring nightmare, where he is sat in front of a typewriter, which only produces the word "SHIT" over and over again, no matter what he types into it.

What do other droids dream about. Write or draw your answer.

The winner gets a "mystery" (Read: Non-existent) prize.



No a droid, but this is what I dream" alt="Image hosted by">


If you don't get the reference, there are no words for your ignorance

p.s the image is clearly a joke- I would never feel guilty about killing a Scottish King and taking his throne, especialy if the Scottish King's name was Trout


Actually, that image is quite clearly a knife stabbing a man's arse.  This clearly represents the idea of AIDS as a 'gay plague', stabbing its poison into the bottoms of the innocent.
Your homophobia sickens me to my stomach, Nixon.


If you read that into it bear... and anyway I thought it was Mandarills that had the luridly coloured arses

The Amstor Computer

Actually, it looks more like some poor chap trying to remove a knife from his bell-end...


the're knees, in a night gown type thing, kneeling- Sheesh



Pat Mills has nighmares about Women and Homosexuals obviously :)oh and nasty christian types too

CU Krestel


Mark Millar has nightmares involving Fist fights, conveyor belts and molten metal...

CU Krestel

Mr C

I really don't want to even think about what Grant Morrison dreams about. Really! Especially after re-reading The Filth the other day.


Alan Moore possibly dreams about snakes.
Rennie about booze.
Wagner about tight boots.
Spurrier about... filth probably.
Mills about a pagan wonderland filled with big strong muscular sweaty celtic men in skirts.
Warren Ellis possibly dreams of pie shops.


im sure gordon rennie dreams of sweet litle kittens and other nice things

then wakes up screaming

Carlsborg Expert.

Remember Deaths dream by Biz.

That were funny.!

Cuddly pink bears :-)


I think that was what Funt was refrencing (could be wrong of course- but it makes sense, Rennie is an alien superfiend after all)