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Started by Max Kon, 01 April, 2005, 01:22:54 PM

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Max Kon

I've changed my name and icon, what do you lot think?




Are you crying?

Talking of new, I gat a PSP yesterday.

Woo yay me.

Jared Katooie

I dont know what the hell is up with Max's icon. I dont know if anyone else has noticed but it looks like he's crying.

PSP may be a fancy gadget but for GAMES fans there can only be the DS.

Support Nintendo!

Oppose Sony!

Dont be a sheep! Do as I say!


ere, that looks just like yuo it does.

yeah Nintendo, had my DS for about a month now and noticed a distinct lack of software :(
What games you get with it James Wipeout Pure out yet, thats the only title I want for it at the mo.

CU Krestel


Sod the handhelds! Spend ur dosh upgarding your PC. I've just got a 6800 GT gfx cards and another stick of ram. Happy me!


There's no need to cry, Max.

It looks very good.

- Trout


Hmm...had a PSP for a little while now...and it is lovely...Ridge Racers is superb, although it's a little tough due to me no speaking Japanese.  Have ordered Lumines and Wipeout Pure from the US now ($45 for both - not bad).  Looking forward to them.
What game(s) you got James?  My mate has a PSP too and RRacers - very cool when you play linked.

And Max - I like it.  Maybe just have the name as Max.  Go for a minimilist approach.

Jared Katooie

"yeah Nintendo, had my DS for about a month now and noticed a distinct lack of software :("

That's because not enough people are supporting Nintendo! Anyway there's loads due to come out! If you havent got Warioware touched yet, buy it!

"Sod the handhelds! Spend ur dosh upgarding your PC. I've just got a 6800 GT gfx cards and another stick of ram. Happy me!"

This is harder to argue with, however... PC's are best, though handhelds work out cheaper and have a lot of exclusive games on 'em.

Cheer up Max.

Matt Timson

He's not crying- it's milk shooting from his eyes like some freakish 80's zombie flick.

I suggest you change your name to 'Milkboy', Max.



Aieee! Max has spooge-vision!


Max, are you crying in that picture?


Max, what's up? You look really upset?



You about to shove a pr0n mag up someone's nose, Max?


Chin up, Max - It'll all look better in the morning.
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!