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Prog 1433... Rawhide Rex!

Started by Funt Solo, 04 April, 2005, 05:22:45 PM

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That was the Costa del Meg wasn't it?  We haven't seen much of that since then.

Anyway, I claim 'droid de Dredd scriptdroid' - the inalienable right, as first laid down by King Big Wag the First, of senior Dredd scriptdroids to disregard and/or completely contradict continuity as established in the lesser spin-off strips if they haven't read it, can't remember it or don't give a toss about it.

I mean, next you'll be telling me that Calhab was completely destroyed at the end of the final series of Calhab Justice...


Fucking hell, Gordon, there's no need to go mentioning CalHab Justice! Watch your language!


Lobo Baggins

Probably not, seeing as how neither I or anyone in the editorial office remember it either.

One quick re-read later - it doesn't say specifically that the vampires are in Saint Patrick's, although I assumed that they're supposed to be as it's a sequel to 'Reasons to be Cheerful'.

The art was by Arian Salmon, so it's quite difficult to tell from that.  (Needs some... black! Black! BLACK!)
The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.


Yeah, sorry about that.  It's not even midday yet, and I usually need a few drinks in me before I want to start remembering Calhab Justice.

"Hoots, mon.  Ye're under arrest!"


"This is my pal. He's psychic. Er, is that enough plot, now?"


"The art was by Adrian Salmon"

Or 'Potato-Print Boy', as I used to affectionately call him, 'cos it looked like his artwork was stamped out onto the page with a potato-printer...


I don't know, but it seems to me like Gordon has a couple of Meg articles left in him...

Funt Solo

Being honest, I have no recollection of any previous Karyn stories.  I know she's been about the place, but nothing's stuck.

(The only reason I remember Psi-Judge Janus is because she was a pain in the bahoochie with her dumbed-down linguistics.)

Now Judge Omar on the other hand:  everyone remembers him.  What is it that makes characters memorable...and can you bottle it?  (I mean Prager:  only in two stories and everyone remembers him.  "Grim".)

Come with me as I dance into the field of off-topicness...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Bad Andy

I remember the karyn story. i think mainly because it was the only Karyn story I ever read and the artwork was totally different to everything else.

Not bad, just difficult to discern what was happening at times. IIRC Karyn was drawn in a similar way to Demon Jenny is now. With bigger hair.


Heh! Amish kobolds. That's just genius.

Jared Katooie

Cover: Good. Original idea. 7/10

Droid life: Silly 6/10  

Dredd: Pretty good stuff. 7/10

Sin/Dex: Eh. 4/10

Vc's: How does he keep coming up with these fantastic original ideas. A masterwork of literary fiction! 3/10

American Gothic: Mysterious, fresh and exciting. 8/10

Dante: Bestiality + Tedious plot + Dull art = Shit.

Overall: Dredd and AG are carrying this prog. I enjoyed it but if Sin/Dex gets even slightly worse then all is lost.


I mean, next you'll be telling me that Calhab was completely destroyed at the end of the final series of Calhab Justice...

A common misconception, but in actual fact Cal-Hab (as in the Caledonian Habitation Zone) was not completely destroyed. Glascal, the city was destroyed by the blast, but not the entire country. Don't worry about it, though...

Carlsborg Expert

Weeell, Ive just finished reading this and Im impressed with the magazine as a whole, nothing really out shining anything else.

Whoever got this team together, should peel themselves a banana and feel pleased with themselves.

 Nice combo writer and artist for Sinisteer for gods sake,Dexter.
 Erm American gothic throws together a nice" heres the panel trailer, expectations."
 Dredds exemplary, yet Im sucking teeth at the copperness of the colouring.
 Smith and Co,are reflecting a lot of popular reality shows of the moment.In the VCs.
 Dante...Hah,Have at you, society!
Droid Life and Letters,happy and average.



Have I missed something? Is there a reason Dredd isn't wearing an eagle pad on his shoulder in this?( does it matter?)
Good story so far.

Enjoying the retro feel of Rawhide Rex, something about it reminds me of older comic, or european ones maybe.

Nice to see Yeowell back again. Nice idea for a story but like was said up there somewhere, surely the area under the roads would be full of rubbish ? Millions of discarded shoes etc


Have I missed something? Is there a reason Dredd isn't wearing an eagle pad on his shoulder in this?

he's wearing radiation overalls ;)