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Absolute Watchmen

Started by Mike Carroll, 05 April, 2005, 09:11:58 AM

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Mike Carroll

As some of you will know, later this year there will be an "Absolute" edition of Watchmen... This oversized edition will contain pretty much everything that any Watchmen fan could want, plus it's being re-coloured by original colourist John Higgins.

As luck would have it, yours truly is the webmaster of John Higgins' website and we now have some exclusive examples of John's re-colouring work!


-- Mike C">



I'm getting horrible visions of over the top "modern" gradient fill overkill now...

Mike Carroll

Heh! No, John has ensured me that there won't be anything of the sort! Most of the work he's doing is simply correcting errors that have appeared over the years (and a few that were there all along), but there are a few cases (as seen in the examples on the site) where he's improving some of the bits he's less than happy with.

John promises that for almost all of the changes the only way someone will know that there's been a change is if they compare the old and new versions side-by-side.

I have faith in him!

-- Mike C


Hi Mike - any chance of a link?


Can he make Manhatten pink? That'd be cool...


Try this...

Link:" target="_blank">Go to "News"

Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Mike Carroll

D'oh! I non-brilliantly put the link URL into the image URL box!

Thanks for the help, Noisybast!

-- Mike

Link:" target="_blank">The John Higgins Website


Looks groovy! Interesting noting the subtle differences in colouring...


is there a link to higgins site because whilst he is a top colourest hes a brilliant artist in his own right

Richmond Clements

Click on where it says 'the John Higgins website' on Mike's post above.


ah nothing doing
didnt work

Richmond Clements

Mmmmm. Dunno then. It's working for me.

Byron Virgo

Bet that'll piss off all the people who were selling their tatty limited edition deluxe Watchmen packs with all the additional info and art bumf on ebay for ?80+.

Interestingly, I saw an 'Absolute...' sized Watchmen and V for Vendetta in Brussels, which looked absolutely gorgeous, and had some additional artwork in them as well, so I could imagine this would be very good.


That pisses me right off!

I f'kin love Watchmen, and I got the GN, and there's NO POINT buying a one with vaguely blurred shadows.

I'm keepin mine.
