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Started by ARRISARRIS, 09 April, 2005, 01:06:58 PM

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lenny Henry, Tracy Ullman and the other bloke

I think his name was/is David Copperfield, the least funny out of the three unfunny people in that programme.

Carlsborg Expert

Actually, he was the funiest.

Randomly answered.


As much as I enjoyed the first two Who, I thought Saturday's epsiode was slow, boring and instantly forgettable - except for the wonderful 'What The Shakespere's' line.



Well, it scared the crap out of my 9 year-old, which is what classic Who should do.  Job's a good 'un, I say.

(Of course, I didn't actually  see it, being on the way back from day's miserable football-supporting experience in Glasgow.  Next week in Judge Dredd: Dredd decides to nuke Dundee off the face of the earth.)


Dredd decides to nuke Dundee off the face of the earth


Hibs lose again!



Perth and its entire surrounding area are also caught in the blast radius...


Congrats to Mark gatiss for another good Who.


Looking forward also to the episode written by Paul Cornell, ex of this parish.

Haven't seen him around here for a while, though.  He obviously doesn't have a new book to plug  ;->


It was good, and quite scary, continues the great run so far.  Saturday has now become Dr Who day for me, in much the same way that Tuesday was Quantum Leap day back in college (it was big in our house for some reason, and it was the only day we didn't end up in the pub).

As for this episode...wasn't it a bit nasty when they...
snapped the guys neck to make way for more Gelf!

And what's wrong with copping-it in Cardiff?  Newport I could understand, but Cardiff?  Cardiff's a great city.


Richmond Clements

"Get the hearse ready. We're going bodysnatching".


Scared the children, and even gave my wife a nightmare about zombies. So... did it's job perfectly I think.


Why does everyone in TV-land always have an ether-soaked rag to hand?  *Oh look, she's spotted us.  Pass me the ether-soaked rag would you?  Thanks.*

Every bloomin time - REFEREE!!!

Bad Andy

Some reservations are growing about this series, although I am enjoying it. Not quite sure why Ecclestone is gurning all the time, especially in seemingly unsuitable situations.

And he's soppy. And he's seemingly useless - didn't even try and escape from the crypt. The first episode he had to be bailed out by Rose. Where's the clever know it all doctor?

There seems to be contradictions within the episodes. One minute the Doctor is berating Rose telling her that time is in flux and constantly looping in on itself and the next he's confidently saying the Dickens will die in 1861(?) regardless of what happened in that episode.

Next week looks a cracker though.


1870. And he did. :)

btw Gordon, you couldn't nuke southampton while you're at it could you?!

scholastic tanky x