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Started by Swearengen, 23 April, 2005, 06:00:38 PM

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Matt Timson

I don't know, JB- you've been gone a long time.  The damage might be permanent.  I think it's probably for the best if you just go again- I'm not sure that you fit in anymore.



All posts must conform to the tenets of the Liberal Stalinist party. Faliure to conform will be punished... SEVERELY. Party on comrades!">

Matt Timson

Tssss... Now Wils will drag out that fucking 'Disco Hitlers' crap again...


Is he in the Big Three? If not I'm pretty certain I can have him purged... (assuming I'm in the big Three, I'm a bit hazy on that)


but i always come back here when i've:
1. seen trannie superstar and meta physics guru  Lauren Harries on tv off work ill
3. require a richard and judy synopsis from gary.
 Don't take away my nerdic energy outlet eyebrows!

Byron Virgo

Hmmm...established personalities are getting defensive there, JEB.

"I thought I was the only person who read that Byron."

I'll read anything that describes one of my strips as "rather brilliant" - you don't know how much your lies touched me!


Wils will drag out that fucking 'Disco Hitlers' crap again

You assume *far* too much, you cantankerous old bastard. I had the strength to delete that picture ages ago. ;)




I'm a mutant, and a King, and you're all shit, and I'm not really that bored, and so on.

Blah, blah, blah.

- Trout


>Not liking, or understanding the numerous answers to your question, is part and parcel of exactly why there are no short cuts in getting to know people. Just join in and think about how you'd talk to people if they were stood in front of you.

Thought the question was simple, just didn?t realise that it would be such a problem for people to say so and so is the font of all knowledge or will answer any question on Dredd. Wasn?t after any short cuts just thought that people may introduce themselves and a give a new member an insight in to the community. Think I?ll give this one a miss and go back to talking about the colour of Superman?s pants.


Richmond Clements

Well, I think reading this thread will give you all the insight into the board and it's various 'personalities' you need.


personalities == Raving psychopathologies

Matt Timson

"Think I?ll give this one a miss and go back to talking about the colour of Superman?s pants"

Second most irritating thing that you can do: concentrate on the negative, while ignoring the positive aspects of any reasonable reply, before buggering off in a mardy hump.

Did I welcome you to the board?


Mardy hump, just decided to give up on one thread and go back to others that I had posted on, which at this short time since joining means the Superman costume thread where I think I've posted twice.
Sure not the easiest place to feel welcomed but someone explained why in the chat room.