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1438: The Shape Of Things To CONE

Started by Max Kon, 08 May, 2005, 05:11:21 PM

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Max Kon

Oh what a terrible Cover Pun.

Tharg Pluggs Bristol Comic Expo and Small Press, especially Futurequake.

No Droid life :(

Dredd: Radstock P2: Good Story development. poor dead punks :( The last panel is very nice.

VCs: Veto P7: Pretty good, Ryx is pretty hard, taking them all on.

Slain: Odacon P3: I hope this is leading to what it seems to be. The sniffer demon is rather cool.

Bec and Kawl: Attack Of The Cones P2: Funny as always.

American Gothic P7: Developing quite nicely.

And the cover:

Link:" target="_blank">

Max Kon

damn, the cover tag doesn't quite work: target=new>>


Read my mates on Sat. night and I'm really sorry to say that this is one of the worst progs for I've ever had. :-(

Dredd - don't like the artwork, too laboured and just does not seem Dredd like to me. Story's OKish

No Droidlife :-(

VC's: this is going on a bit and the artwork, in reverse to the Dredd art looks rushed and flat

Slain: Beautiful artwork, stunning, but come on give it up, Slaine's becoming so tedious nowadays

Bec and Kawl: Always hated this strip, unfunny, cliched, aimed at students to increase the 17 - 25 age group, the only thing that keeps the 'story bus' from teetering over the cliff of obscurity is the artist holding onto the bumper and doing a damn fine job on the artwork.

American Gothic: Is it me or has this story been doen before? Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker anyone? and the artwork!!!! My four year old niece could do better, it's crap, washy, naive to the point of being undeliberate and do I care about the characters? Do I buggery... pap.

Oh and the cover 'puns' recently have they employed a work esperience person or something, 'cos they are lazy and deserve page 17 status in The Sun, rather than the cover of one of the UK's (worlds!!!) leading comics.

Come on rebellion pull up your socks this is just NOT good enough, you are losing the momentum, getting complacent and employing any Joe Public to work on our loved and treasured icons!

Max Kon

What? I'm Joe Public?!?! Don't you like toe work i do on your icons? I must say i'm highly offended :P


LOL! Sorry Max you got the wrong icons mate :-O

Max Kon


Glad to hear Tharg's excellent taste in comics is still unfailing...



The price rise has come, unbidden and silent in the night, to steel all but the fluff from thy wallet.  

Hence my subscription a couple of months back.

Slaine was good, seeing more than orange skies and battles really helps Slaine, loved the winter scene and this infestation storyline.  And who can argue with a prozzie in every prog?  

Demon sniffer bloke is good too.

Alternative cover headline :  The Shit of Things to Come (sorry)


Heh, noticed the FQ plus a bit late.  Well done.

janus stark

"attack of the cones " been slightly more humorus

House of Usher

Ah, but.... they'll have already used that elsewhere.

janus stark

yes i think your right.
diapointed with the meg,
why couldnt the badger fiend been called thomas,
then we could have had "brock on tommy"

Bad Andy

Very lightweight prog. Slaine is far and away the best thing in it.                                                                    

I normally like Bec & Kawl, but this is quite impenetrable. I've got the feeling I'm missing out on a joke somewhere. the cover is appalling too.

?1.75 on a ten minute read? Hmmmm.


There's a story in American Gothic that I'm sure I'd love, but for the life of me I can't get past the art. I realise they're trying for a certain look, but for me it just isn't working.

Funt Solo

Cover:  My, what an interesting colour you've discovered.  Caramel spew.

And now, in reverse order of thrillingness:

5 Bec & Kawl.  How many jokes can you get out of a continually ironic student Mulder & Scully?  Too many and yet not enough.

4 Judge Dredd.  Love the art, enjoying the antics, but I never have liked rock references.  Fickle bastich.

3 The VCs.  Kind of hoped Veto would be a long-lasting adversary.  I guess he hoped that to.  Well, tough frickin' luck, Veto.  *BRRRAAAPPP!"

2 American Gothic.  Like a smug supercilious arse-blister, I claim that the people who don't appreciate the art on this strip are poor nincompoops that can't comprehend their wrongness.  And the story continues to upset my assumptions, which I'm enjoying in a frustrating way.

1 Slaine.  I bow down in the dirt and grovel at the feet of the god-being Langley and his beautiful winter scenes.  Are those people in Slaine that look like photos actually real people?  If so, who are they?  Will they get to go on the credit card?

Pretty strong prog marred heavily by a shite (coloured) cover promoting the worst strip in the prog.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.