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Show us yer art!

Started by The Amstor Computer, 12 May, 2005, 01:27:30 AM

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Richmond Clements

Here are a couple of my favourites.

A Shimura page I bought from Colin MacNeil at the last Dreddcon:" alt="Image hosted by">

And one of PJs Rogue ones:" alt="Image hosted by">

That page and the first one from ep.6 hang over my computer.

Byron Virgo

Blimey, those are nice! Caballistics piece is great (how I wish I had a piece of Mr. Reardon's artwork on my wall), and I loved Colin MacNeil's work on Shimura - some of the best he ever did (and really reminiscent of Goseki Kojima).

I wish I could post some of the art I've bought, but unfortunately I don't have a scanner large enough, but I've got some great pages: Frazer Irving (Judge Death); Jock (The Losers); Dave Lloyd (War Stories: J for Jenny); Charlie Adlard (Savage).

Sorry for posting the same pic once again, but it's all I could think of (and I am chuffed to bits with it):">

The Amstor Computer

Very nice, pages guys. I really like PJ's Rogue - love to see it in real life - and Jock's Hellblazer is gorgeous.

Mangamax --

That's another great piece from Dom, isn't it? Still very chuffed with my copy of the mag it appeared on (and must get around to picking up some more issues of that...)

Oddboy --

The colour prints are around A4, but Dom also sent a CD with the digital versions on, so I suppose they could be scaled to fit just about anything...

Wils --

It's one of my favourite films as well (though perhaps just edged out by Frankenstein or Metropolis) and I loved Dom's version of it. It's got a kind of a dark, sweaty feel to it that's really appropriate.

And, as mentioned earlier, here's the lovely piece that D'Israeli painted. The guy's an absolute gentleman, and totally professional, and I'm chuffed to bits with this:">


I've only got the two.

This one that *still* needs framing:">

And the original of this:">

Byron Virgo

That's brilliant!

Really captures the feel of Hampson's original character designs, without loosing any of the artists individual style - basically, what I'm trying to say is "Bloody Hell, that's good!"

D'Israeli is a lovely chap, isn't he? He sent me a picture of radioactive haddock just because I gave him a few extra stamps one time!

How can you afford all this (if you don't mind me asking)?

The Amstor Computer

Byron --

No, I don't mind you asking. I live fairly frugally, and I don't have a family to support (well, not yet anyway!). I don't drive, don't smoke & don't drink. My only luxuries are books, comics & movies, and I scrimped to afford the pieces I did commission. That, plus the very reasonable prices Adrian, Dom and Matt asked for meant I could afford to treat myself!

Interesting tidbit - when I approached D'Israeli to see if he'd be up for a commission, I suggested a few ideas for what I'd like. He eventually plumped for the Mekon, but one of the ideas I'd asked if he would like to take on was the old sci-fi classic, The Death Guard. Maybe one day...



dom's just bought himself a plane ticket from paris this afternoon so he can come to bristol.


The Amstor Computer

Bugger - another crap consequence of not being able to go to Bristol. It would have been nice to be able to thank him in person. Still, good to know he's going to be over for the con, though.

Byron Virgo


Great news that - perhaps I'll finally be able to get that sketch off him that I've consistantly failed to do for the last three years.


dom's just bought himself a plane ticket from paris this afternoon so he can come to bristol.

He bought it himself?!

Oh dear God, they're growing more intelligent with every passing minute! I warned them, dammit, don't mess with things you don't understand!!! But they didn't listen - the fools!!!!!
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


Yeah, Dom's atop bloke to deal with in't he?
With that Drone cover - which, oh what a suprise, hasn't revealed itself here - i gave him a rough idea of what was needed - the "Dr One" editor surrounded by some of the more mystical/horror 2000 AD characters.
From that sprung the rough (including Death with scrawled on todger),
then the BW original - which you can see here at the link below,
and then finally, what you got, the coloured by computer final version.

Link:" target="_blank">BW

The perspective on that chairs all wrong


My favourite Dom piece from the Prog (assuming this works):">
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


And my favourite Jock:">
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


And my current favourite out of all my pieces:">
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


This page from Prog 126 still frazzles my thrill sensors.
See you lot in Bristol!
:-) rufus">