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If at first you don't succeed....

Started by Thread Zero, 15 May, 2002, 04:32:03 AM

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Thread Zero

This is courtesy of Michael Flynn from the 2k yahoo group:

An article from Wizard the Comics Magazine, issue 129

After finishing up the celebration of Judge Dredd's 25th birthday across the pond, Rebellion Entertainment is looking to bring Britain's favorite strong arm of the law stateside via an all-new American series.

I take it this means a new Dredd comic for the US?
(But whatever you do, don't mention the DC Dredd)

Or a tv series?

Well maybe I'll keep writing those Dredd scripts after all!:p


The Amstor Computer

I thought you'd left (again)

As for a new American Dredd - I'd hope Rebellion would consider *not* commissioning new material for the US. A far better idea would be to reprint Dredd stories from the first full-colour strips onward, packaged with some supplementary 2000AD material - kind of a Megazine/Complete Dredd hybrid.
An even better one would be to try getting a higher profile for 2000AD in the US - why spend money on trying to launch a brand-new comic that could be better used to promote 2000AD abroad?

I'd hate to see 2000AD turn to shite because some bright spark thought that "breaking the US market" was more important than printing a solid comic - and boosting circulation in the UK.

Thread Zero

I am staying for you Blacky.

Come here and let me rust you up big time baby!

Is that lubrication oil I see, or do you get aroused so quickly?

Anyway....well no Blackblood, it makes sense to me. Ya increase Dredd's profile before you inlfict em with the new films. Business plan it is!


I always thought his profile was alright to me. Lovely nose but anyway...

So they get revenue coming in from syndication or whatever they call it from the sell of each yanky comic. USA comic fans then remember Dredd. Rebellion get rich, films are a success on the back of it, and I sit here with two great Dredd script that no one wants.

Sounds grand to me!:)



No, I'm afraid sweeping up UK material and repackaging it for the yanks just won't work.  What you need is a dedicated, new and fresh 32 page comic (or whatever they have) which features stories by the same artist and writer over several issues.  Minimum of one story per issue.  Not four 2000AD one-offs by different artists shoved into an american comic books size.

If you just use reprint material it will fail or sell sluggishly then be pulled, if you start Dredd as a new comic and introduce the characters and setting properly, you could end up making a lot of money, and really boosting the profile of Dredd in a positive way.  

Dredd sometimes gets a very lazy treatment in 2000AD, UK fans might put up with it but the yanks won't, it's a whole different world of custard and theirs has sharks in it.

Of course british fans might bemoan having to cough up more, but if those strips were reprinted in the meg, say a year behind, who would complain?

I'm off to venusian mind wrestle with the Mekon.



(p.s. vote me as the ruler of your Earth and I shall treat you well)


That should be maximum of one story per issue.

I lost against the Mekon and now the Earth is his.

Sorry guys, what can I say?

Thread Zero

The secret is to get good writers to do the new comic.

The DC version proved no matter how cool Dredd is or can be, without solid stories, it all goes pear shape.

Dredd was great from the beginning in 2k. And it got even better! The DC one wasn't.

So it's imperative you get Wagner or maybe Milo Rennie to write the initial stories.

Of course I would write em for free but my shooshi is going on her 'Shooshi for world president' tour. Lasts for a year.  She needs me as her spokesman. Or should that be spokescat?

Isn't fate cruel?



Yes, I think you need to get a good start to any Stateside Dredd.  If you are going to start it off with a 2000AD writer, choose Wagner and someone's art that suits the Americans market.  To be honest I would have thought the current paring of Wagner and Walker would do well.

Then I think it would be good to get a fresh writer onto Dredd.  No disrepsect to anyone else but I personally havn't read any great Dredd's from anyone but Wagner for some time.  There's been some okay stuff, but I wouldn't call it inspiring.  

I don't think only Wagner can know the secret of Dredd, so I'd get someone from the American market to do it.  Then it's just a case of getting someone who digs what dredd is about.

The last DC Dredd started off wrong and then did a u-ey, always a bad move.  Rebellion aren't dumb, I can't see them cocking it up and it has to be tempting.  2000AD is unlikely ever to be big there, but Dredd has some seious potential.

But you're right Scojo, if it reads like crap it won't sell.

Thread Zero

Did someone say a fresh writer?

Who could he mean folks?

scojo with grin


Well, I did say American, so that rules me or you out Scojo.


A large black limo, with rocket engines on the black pulls up alongside a scruffy vagrant.  The vagrant sticks his fingers up and carries on drinking.  The window slides down.

"Hey, you there Earthlette"

"Worrya wan't ya green bastud!"

"I found this old script written in red biro that had fallen behind a filing cabinet in the command module.  It seems that fifteen years ago the dictators of Zrag hid it there to prevent it's thrillpower being unleashed upon the world.  It's a tale of a man walking into a desert cafe, playing a tape from the devil before exploding in a huge nuclear mushroom cloud, for reasons unclear - Zarjazz - YOU wrote that script and so I want you to take over writing the new ghafflebette ameican Dredd comic I'm starting, whaddya say kid, I mean Earthlette?"

Vagrant smashes the now emoty bottle and advances menacingly upon Tharg.

"Wahhh!  Kill tha green goblin!"

"Back insane Earthlette or it's a Rigellian Hotshot!  Drive Burt drive!"

Later at the command module:

"Hmmm, on second thoughts, where's Gordon Rennie's number?"

The Amstor Computer

>>>No, I'm afraid sweeping up UK material and repackaging it for the yanks just won't work.  What you need is a dedicated, new and fresh 32 page comic (or whatever they have) which features stories by the same artist and writer over several issues.  Minimum of one story per issue.  Not four 2000AD one-offs by different artists shoved into an american comic books size<<<

And where do you suggest the money & talent for this new title comes from? 2000AD is on a roll right now, but can you seriously see Rebellion being able to support three comics at the current level of quality, let alone at the kind of knockout quality you want to attract attention in the US market?

I don't disagree that a brand-new, quality Tooth/Dredd title for overseas markets would be better than a reprint mag, but I just can't see how it can be done without either 2000AD, the Megazine or both suffering.
I don't know - maybe it can, but when I read a copy of 2000AD with one or two good stories & the rest padded out with dull Steve Moore & average filler strips (current run of material excepted), or a Megazine half-full of reprint material, I just can't see a way clear to support another title.

Bottom line - I disagree completely with any attempt to break into the US market right now.


"And where do you suggest the money & talent for this new title comes from?"

I never said there was any money, I don't even know if they are doing this at all.  But if they do reprints they are just throwing their money away and doing the image of Dredd no good at all.

They could do another title by teaming up with someone else.  They could do it by investing more of their own money into it.  They could take out a loan.  They could sell some more shite.  It's not my problem.

There are lots of reasons Rebellion might want to break into the biggest english speaking comic book market.  The fact they have another Dredd movie coming out would be one.  At some point they'll try it, who knows when.


It's more than likely that they'll franchise the character to another company.


American comics are a lot different to ours. Crapper, in my opinion, but that's beside the point. Reprinting serialised Dredd episodes in US sizes has already been done. What is needed is dredd written with the US format and audience in mind. That doesn't necessarilly mean it can't or shouldn't be a British writer - plenty have done very well in the US - but the market has to be borne in mind when doing it.

I'd be very wary of relinquishing control by licensing it off to a company for the US market though.


On the other hand (if they don't reprint it in the Megazine) we'll never have to worry about it.

Better set your phaser to stun.


"This is courtesy of Micheal Flynn from the 2k yahoo group"

Actually I, not Mr. Flynn, initially posted this at Yahoogroups, but thats not important. Being an American fan I don't think reprinting the stories from 2000AD or the Megazine would be a wise idea. As said before, its already been done. I think with minimal investment Rebellion could get the likes of Dark Horse, not Marvel and definitely not DC, to pick up the Dredd licsence(sp?). Maybe instead of doing an ongoing series, they could do several mini series, ala Aliens or Predator. The the Droids could do the art and writing chores in the UK, ship it to the States and have it printed up there. To Americanize the stories, naw. Keep them the way they are. If the mini series do well, then go with an ongoing series.
